Linux-Misc Digest #350, Volume #26               Sun, 19 Nov 00 20:13:02 EST

  Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years? (John Hasler)
  Where can I learn what "rpm" means? (James Hutchins)
  Re: ICQ (Glitch)
  Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means? (Chad Thomas)
  Adding GNOME to RH7.0 Server installation ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: Apache-forbidden access to html files ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Undelete a file in Linux (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means?
  Real Difference Between Server and Workstation under RH7.0? ("Scott M. Navarre")
  Re: Undelete a file in Linux (Glitch)
  Re: Problem with X on laptop (David Efflandt)
  Re: waiting 5 minutes for route results (David Efflandt)
  Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means? (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means? (Timberwoof)
  Re: Need some suggestions... (Rob Weaver)
  getting xamp to compile (Ralph Blach)
  Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means? (Hartmann Schaffer)
  Re: Will NIC/PPP work ONLY at dialup? (David Efflandt)
  Re: getting xamp to compile ("Vigil")
  Re: Undelete a file in Linux (Alex)
  Re: ICQ (Alex)
  Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means? (Bill Unruh)


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,comp.os.linux.x,comp.unix.solaris
Subject: Re: True GTK+ will eliminate Qt in next few years?
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 22:19:41 GMT

James Hutchins writes:
> Pardon my lack of sophistication, but if I do the analysis in C++, and
> expect to use OpenGL, why would another approach be better for the
> graphics and? This is a sincere question.

The function of the analyzer is to produce a lump of data to be displayed
or otherwise manipulated or stored.  The function of the displayer is to
display a lump of data.  The two need only agree on the format of the data.
There is no reason why your choice of tools for the analyzer should
influence your choice of tools for the displayer.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Hutchins)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Where can I learn what "rpm" means?
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 18:28:12 -0500

Trying to get into Linux but having a problem with the files I'm trying to
download. They are "rpm" files and my real player application tries to run
them, ruining my download. Thanks for any pointers...



Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:07:46 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ICQ

most likely this would have been on or (or maybe now) but what do i know

Flej Ling wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what ICQ stands for? (I know what it is, but what does
> the ackronym represent?)
> Flej Ling


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
From: Chad Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means?
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 18:04:03 -0600

        RPM's are Redhat Package Manager files.  They are sort of like
.zip files.  If you want to get into linux, I would suggest reading the
Installation HOWTO (see or some of the other HOWTO's.
There's a lot of good information in them.

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, James Hutchins wrote:

> Trying to get into Linux but having a problem with the files I'm trying to
> download. They are "rpm" files and my real player application tries to run
> them, ruining my download. Thanks for any pointers...
> --J


From: "Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Adding GNOME to RH7.0 Server installation
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:05:45 GMT

  How do you add GNOME to a Professional Server installation of RH7.0?  I
went through the whole "Select Individual Packages" thing during the install
and added everything that I saw as having to do with GNOME.  It also went
through a few iterations of adding the packages that the ones I picked
depend on.
  But, when I do a 'startx', I only get a small x-term window on the screen
and no desktop.  I can run things like 'gnorpm' from there and it works
fine, but still - no desktop.  I even installed and ran 'switchdesk' and can
select GNOME from there but it doesn't help.
  I tried editing '/etc/sysconfig/desktop' so that it read DESKTOP="GNOME",
but that still doesn't fix it.

  What am I missing?

Thanks in advance,
  Scott Navarre


Subject: Re: Apache-forbidden access to html files
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:03:06 GMT

In article <8uuv45$qak$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "K.Zielinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've just installed linux RedHat 6.2 with apache,postgres and php.
> When i want to try my www server i can see in my browser a webpage
> saying "403 Forbidden". I have checked the rights to apache home
> directory and index.html file and they are 644. So it schould work,
> why it doesn't ?
> A month ago i installed the same distribution of linux (except
> postgres and php)  and apache was working correctly (i could access
> index.html in my browser after installation).

If you've used linuxconf to modify the Apache webserver settings, it's
more than likely that the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file has a bunch of
garbage in it that is preventing access.

Pay particular attention to the directory entries at the end of the
file. If you have entries similar to:

<Directory >
Options Includes MultiViews Indexes FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options

<Files >
Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options

remove them or comment them out of existence. The restart the httpd
daemon and things should be accessible:

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

-   tony


Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Undelete a file in Linux
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:14:57 -0500

Vivek Narayanamurthy wrote:

> Is there any possible way of undeleting a file in Linux...?
> Vivek

It is easy. Just restore it from your backup tap or disk.

If you neglected to make backups, repent and sin no more.

There is a HOWTO somewhere that says how to do it, but I
imagine it will not work if you do not catch it right away,
before more new files get allocated.

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  7:05pm up 5 days, 9:49, 3 users, load average: 2.12, 2.10, 2.03


Subject: Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means?
Date: 20 Nov 2000 00:17:25 GMT

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 18:28:12 -0500, 
James Hutchins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Trying to get into Linux but having 
a problem with the files I'm trying to
>download. They are "rpm" files and 
my real player application tries to run
>them, ruining my download.

If your question is what you put in the
subject line, rpm means Red Hat Package
Manager and if you are using a Red Hat
Linux or similar, you can go man rpm
at a prompt to read the manual.

I don't know what type of system you
are using right now but if I were you I'd
turn off your real player app until you
sort this out. .rpm files are packages
that your RH Linux knows how to unpack
and install, given the right commands by

Are you trying to download enough
Linux to make a bootable system? (is
this what you mean by "get into Linux?") This
can be done but it's definitely the hard
way. You won't be able to unpack and install
those .rpms until you have a Linux running. 
You might be better off if you got a CDROM
with Linux on it to start, if your computer
will boot from the CDROM drive.



From: "Scott M. Navarre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.os.linux
Subject: Real Difference Between Server and Workstation under RH7.0?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:19:31 GMT

  Can anyone tell me if there is any difference between the following under
RH7.0 Professional Server?  Doing a Server installation with no 'server
type' selected ("News Server", "Web Server", "NFS Server", and "Mail Server"
all un-selected) as compared to doing a Workstation installation.  Of
course, I would like to know the difference other than the obvious fact that
the X-Window interface is not included in the server installation.

  You see, I am setting up a standard server to be used primarily as a
database server, but would like to add the X-Window interface (and GNOME or
KDE) to do web browsing and some graphical system administration.  So since
it will primarily be a server, I did not want to do a workstation install to
get the GUI because I was afraid that the kernel parameters and some other
things would not be set to favor operation as a server.  Am I wrong in
thinking this way?

Thanks in advance,
  Scott Navarre


Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:27:28 -0500
From: Glitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Undelete a file in Linux


Vivek Narayanamurthy wrote:
> Is there any possible way of undeleting a file in Linux...?
> Vivek


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Problem with X on laptop
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:25:16 +0000 (UTC)

On 19 Nov 2000 00:57:41 GMT, P Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm running RedHat 7.0 on a P100 Toshiba laptop, and I'm having a problem
>with X.  It works if I set it to 16 bit color depth, but when I tried to
>use 24 bit, which is supported by my video device, I am told that there
>are no valid clock timings.  The device is a Chips & Technologies CT65550,
>with 2MB of video RAM.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

You don't say what your screen size is, but with 2 MB video RAM, 24-bit
color may be limited to 800x600, because some video RAM is used for fonts
or something.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: waiting 5 minutes for route results
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:36:49 +0000 (UTC)

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 13:36:54 GMT, Lee Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, 16 Nov 2000 00:15:04 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>When I issue the route command it has to think for quite some time
>>(minutes) before displaying the routing table.  Also, pinging the local
>>ip address (not loopback) results in 70 to 80% packet loss.  Pinging
>>this same ip from the network gets 0% loss.  I've tried multiple
>>NIC's.  Anybody have any ideas?
>Long lookup time for 'route': I agree with the prev post, it's trying
>to DNS lookup the addresses and is striking out, use 'route -n'
>As for the packet losses pinging your own IP address: that's pretty
>bad.  What does your 'route' look like -- is there only one route that
>IP address?

The two are likely related.  I suspect that he needs to add a name for the
nic IP to DNS or /etc/hosts.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means?
Date: 20 Nov 2000 00:40:16 GMT

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 18:28:12 -0500, James Hutchins wrote:
>Trying to get into Linux but having a problem with the files I'm trying to
>download. They are "rpm" files and my real player application tries to run
>them, ruining my download. Thanks for any pointers...

RPM = RedHat Package Manager files, a common way of distributing
software in the Linux world.  You can download the files normally by
right-clicking (shift-clicking if you're using a Mac) and selecting
"Save Link As" from the popup menu.  Or you can get rid of RealPlayer.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /  Workin' in a code mine, hittin' Ctrl-Alt     /   Workin' in a code mine, whoops!
=============================/    I hit a seg fault....


From: Timberwoof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:42:22 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (James Hutchins) wrote:

> Trying to get into Linux but having a problem with the files I'm trying to
> download. They are "rpm" files and my real player application tries to run
> them, ruining my download. Thanks for any pointers...

They are Redhat Package Manager files. An RPM contains zipped files as 
well as instructions for the Redhat Package Manager about what versions 
of what libraries it needs and where all the files are supposed to go. 
RPM is one of the Neat Things about Linux; other Unix-like operating 
systems are implementing the same sort of system. It's worthwhile to get 
to know it. There's a chapter about it in the book "Linux Unleashed," 
which would be good for anyone using Linux.

Timberwoof <timberwoof at infernosoft dot com> Chief Perpetrator
Infernosoft: Putting the No in Innovation.
"The opposite of hardware is not easyware." 


From: Rob Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Need some suggestions...
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:40:45 -0500

Another newbie here;

Whatever you decide upon, check with the distro's hardware compatability
list on their website. I bought O'Reilly's book *Learning Red Hat Linux*
with RH 6 on a cd in the back of the book, and can't install it because
(apparently) RH won't work with my old 2x Sony/Mitsushita CD Rom. 
Replies to my query for help on another ng have resulted in (1) buy
another distro, or (2) buy another CD ROM

Also, and for what it's worth, my public library system has several
books on linux WITH the distro cd's included in the book - you might
consider this as a viable way to have several different versions of
Linux at your beck and call.

And while I'm at it - check out Groups of Linux Users Everywhere
( - many groups have *Install
Night* when you can being your computer in and have Linux installed on
it for you.  That's probably not nearly as much fun (depending upon how
you define *fun*), and it is another option you might wish to pursue.


Rob Weaver

> I'm using windows. I heard linux is really good, so I'm considering to
> try it. 


From: Ralph Blach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: getting xamp to compile
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 19:48:38 -0500

I tried to get xamp to comile on my redhat 6.2 system using QT 1.45.

It did not work.  Has anybody gotten xamp to compile and how did you do


Ralph "Chip" Blach
Chapel Hill, North Carolina


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hartmann Schaffer)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means?
Date: 19 Nov 2000 18:39:02 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
James Hutchins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Trying to get into Linux but having a problem with the files I'm trying to
>download. They are "rpm" files and my real player application tries to run
>them, ruining my download. Thanks for any pointers...

Redhat Package Manager.  it is a file format that lets redhat's
package mannager keep track of what you have installed, so that it's
easier later to deinstall something or upgrade it (plus a few other

Does "Realplayer" support .rpm files or did they insert some blanket
statement to call it for each file that has an extension starting with
'rp'?  you probably have to go into your browser configuration and
make sure it doesn't call rp for .rpm files



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Will NIC/PPP work ONLY at dialup?
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 00:59:14 +0000 (UTC)

On 17 Nov 2000 13:16:58 GMT, Andrew Purugganan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I have a RealTek that I was able to use for IPforwarding to my Win98Box to 
>share an Internet connection, with the LinBox acting as gateway. 
>Unfortunately that was back before freewwweb filed under Chapter 11 and 
>is now owned byeither juno or netzero. I no longer have this access but 
>am still scouting for an ISP. I plan to keep that NZ anyway for a backup 

Yes freewwweb was the best.  Then I signed up with for a
travelling ISP, which was only $9.85/mo for unlimited service until they
recently doubled their rates to the more typical $19.95/mo (but they also
give you 10 MB web space vs. 2.5 MB earlier).

>Are there any other uses for the NIC? I think it only works whenPPP  is 
>up (i happen to be a trial-and-error kind of Linux guy). Do I have to go 
>the Samba way (sadly, I can't make that work either)
>i have Mandrake 6.0

You can use a nic for various things without ppp being connected.  If you
cannot get Samba to work, you can still ftp files from a Windows client,
and you can run Windows from your Linux box using VNC.

There are various web proxies you could run on the Win box, or Nat32 but I would not know how well they work with NZ.

Win98 comes with Internet Connection Sharing.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: "Vigil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: getting xamp to compile
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2000 01:00:43 +0000

Yep, I did "./configure;make;make install" :-P


"Ralph Blach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> had the audacity to claim:

> I tried to get xamp to comile on my redhat 6.2 system using QT 1.45.
> It did not work.  Has anybody gotten xamp to compile and how did you do it?




Subject: Re: Undelete a file in Linux
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 20:00:01 -0500

Glitch wrote:
> no
> Vivek Narayanamurthy wrote:
> >
> > Is there any possible way of undeleting a file in Linux...?
> >
> > Vivek

Well, I think the answer is yes... It's hard though.
Check out the following web site.

Hope this helps.


The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Registered with the Linux Counter. ID# 175126


Subject: Re: ICQ
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 20:02:59 -0500

Glitch wrote:
> most likely this would have been on or (or maybe
> now) but what do i know
> Flej Ling wrote:
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what ICQ stands for? (I know what it is, but what does
> > the ackronym represent?)
> >

If I remember correctly, it should be something like "I seek you".

I might be wrong though.


> > Flej Ling

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Registered with the Linux Counter. ID# 175126


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.powerpc
Subject: Re: Where can I learn what "rpm" means?
Date: 20 Nov 2000 01:07:30 GMT

Hutchins) writes:

>Trying to get into Linux but having a problem with the files I'm trying to
>download. They are "rpm" files and my real player application tries to run
>them, ruining my download. Thanks for any pointers...

Ah, yes, the good old rpm/RealPlayer.
Either go into Netscape/preferences and remove the link between rpm and
realplayer, or press shift leftclick when you want to download ( which
saves the file to disk rather than trying to do something with it.)



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