Linux-Misc Digest #83, Volume #27                Sun, 11 Feb 01 17:13:01 EST

  Re: Full-featured, reliable POP-mail client for Linux? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Looking for great links to the best  Java & Flash and Linux sites !!! Go to 
-----------> (stoelie)
  Re: netscape lock file ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: init_module: device or resource busy (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Simple fax program ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Lock screen password? ("Robert Morelli")
  Re: IP Masquerade ? (sfcybear)
  Re: A Beginner Asks About Linux ("Matt O'Toole")
  stupid mistake  (olliecat)
  Re: netscape lock file (James Silverton)
  CPU Speed requirement for each software?? ("kellyboy")
  Re: bash history (David Efflandt)
  Re: Compiling 2.4.1 kernel, no aic7xxx module found (Mike Perry)
  Re: Olympus D-340L crashes gphoto (Linux) (David Efflandt)
  Re: SONY GDM-1952 MONITOR(fixed-freq) (David Efflandt)
  mdk 7.2 cups Epson 760 (JGP)
  Beginner - Can't get XFree86 to work ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  serial printer problem (Frank Beatrous)
  Newbie Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Newbie Question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Konqueror speed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: wanna buy a $200 Linux computer? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Subject: Re: Full-featured, reliable POP-mail client for Linux?
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 19:59:45 GMT

Meik Brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Disco Stu wrote:
> > i use pine,
> i vote for kmail 2 it is shipped with kde 2.xx.

Might I suggest Fetchmail?  It works regardless of what environment
you're working in, functioning even in the absence of a terminal.

It eliminates any GUI dependancies, allowing the use of virtually
whatever mail _reader_ you might want to use.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "gro.gultn@" "enworbbc"))
Rules  of the  Evil  Overlord #112.  "I  will not  rely entirely  upon
"totally  reliable"  spells  that  can be  neutralized  by  relatively
inconspicuous talismans." <>


From: stoelie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Looking for great links to the best  Java & Flash and Linux sites !!! Go to 
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 20:07:11 GMT


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: netscape lock file
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:09:46 +0100

Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James Silverton wrote:
>> In my experience, it is usually caused by attempting to have more than
>> one instance of Netscape open at the same time. I have even managed it
>> by accidentally double-clicking the Netscape item in KDE!
> I do not think so. My sister and I were both logged into this machine at

You are quite right.

> the same time and we were each running Netscape at the same time. No
> problems at all. She was logged in on her account and I on mine, of
> course. Linux is a true multi-user multi-programming (and on this
> machine, multi-processing as well) operating system, and fortunately
> Netscape is smart enough to know it.

It doesn't have to be smart. Quite the opposite, it would have to be
smarter to know it, and it isn't.



Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:17:19 +0100
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: init_module: device or resource busy

Fester wrote:

> I'm attempting to install the linux driver for the Aureal Vortex sound
> card, and when I try, it gives me the message:
> /lib/modules/2.2.16-22/misc/au8830.o: init_module: device or resource busy
> Hint: insmod errors can be cause by incorrect module parameters, including
> invalid IO or IRQ parameters
> I have no idea how to even begin solving this problem. Could somebody
> point me in the right direction?
> --
> -- Fester
> "I find it amusing that you addressed me as Jesus."
> =================================================================


you should start reading here (comes with the kernel sources):


lsmod #see which modules are loaded in the kernel
rmmod #unload modules
modprobe #load modules (You shouldn't use insmod)

apropos modules #will show you all man pages on this topic, including the

Good luck

Michael Heiming


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Simple fax program
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 20:26:05 GMT

> Eric Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I am looking for a fax program that can simply send/receive faxes.
>> I have looked at Hylafax, but it seems to be an overkill.
>> Eric Ho
> efax perhaps?  That's what I've used whenever I did any faxing, but it's
> been quite awhile.  The interface is rather primitive as I recall.  I use

I also have always used efax without any problem. Its advantage is
that it can deal with class 1 fax modems (at least on send!). Just
  send 123456789

> slackware myself mostly.  The last time I used it, I remember I had to
> drag out my old 19K baud modem because it didn't seem to use the proper
> commands for my 56K sportster, but it's probably been updated since then.

Nah .. both will work fine. You just had to edit the script to send
the right init command (or to change the class 2 line to a class 1 !).



From: "Robert Morelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lock screen password?
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 11:11:46 -0600

I'm running Caldera eDesktop 2.4,  which ships with KDE
but not Gnome.  I installed Gnome using the Ximian installer.
Gnome seems to be working fine in general.  However,  lock 
screen works under KDE,  but not under Gnome.  If I launch 
the lock screen from the Gnome panel,  I can't unlock it with 
my password.  The password prompt appears when I disturb 
the mouse or keyboard,  and it shows my username correctly.  
When I type my password it momentarily shows a message
that it is looking it up,  then rejects it.  I've tried the root password
as well,  but that doesn't work either.

Any ideas?


From: sfcybear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IP Masquerade ?
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 20:25:28 GMT

You may want to consider firewalling as well as masquerading... here is
where to get a good script to set up IPchains to do both...


In article <9660ur$st1$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Eric Chow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Heello,
> Would you please to teach me how to setup IP-Masquerade in Linux ?
> Would you please to teach me step by step ?
> And also, how can my Modem automatic to dialup when Linux start ?
> Would you please to show me a script to do this with auto login ?
> Best regards,
> Eric
> Sent via

Sent via


From: "Matt O'Toole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A Beginner Asks About Linux
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 20:44:55 GMT

"John Hasler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Vladimir Florinski writes:

> > glibc changes so rapidly that user software compiled a year ago will
> > likely not run with your new libc.
> It doesn't need to.  You can have multiple versions of libc (or any other
> library) installed, and decent distributions provide old versions nicely
> packaged.

I agree.  And with disk space so cheap nowdays, there's no reason not to.
One of the beauties of Linux is that you *can* do this; unlike Windows,
where DLLs are overwritten no matter what, and there's nothing you can do
about it.

Matt O.


From: olliecat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: stupid mistake 
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 20:52:49 GMT

I'm running RH 7.0 and stupidly overlayed my libc with garbage this
morning locking up everything.  When I boot in rescue mode I have no
hd's in /dev so I can't mount my drive to fix it.  When I do a regular
boot I get 'init: error in loading shared libraries' citing I
really want to avoid reinstalling.

Is there a way to at least get my hard drive mounted so I can recover
the libc file so I can boot again w/o having to reinstall?  Can the
rescue disk help me in doing this?

Thanks for any tips.


From: James Silverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: netscape lock file
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 16:00:22 -0500

Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> James Silverton wrote:
> >
> > Eric Wertman wrote:
> > >
> > > All-
> > >
> > > Netscape continues to complain about a $HOME/.netscape/lock file, when
> > > no such file exists.  Anyone seen this and know the answer?  Thanks!
> > >
> > > Eric Wertman
> >
> > In my experience, it is usually caused by attempting to have more than
> > one instance of Netscape open at the same time. I have even managed it
> > by accidentally double-clicking the Netscape item in KDE!
> >
> I do not think so. My sister and I were both logged into this machine at
> the same time and we were each running Netscape at the same time. No
> problems at all. She was logged in on her account and I on mine, of
> course. Linux is a true multi-user multi-programming (and on this
> machine, multi-processing as well) operating system, and fortunately
> Netscape is smart enough to know it.

Well, I just got the "Lock file" message while signing on to send this
message. I admit I did it intentionally. It probably would not occur
with two separate users.


James V. Silverton
Potomac, Maryland


From: "kellyboy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CPU Speed requirement for each software??
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 15:07:48 -0600

It is not just limited to Linux but is mainly about linux....grin

Im curious is there are some info on the Net that explain a catagory of cpu
speed requirement for each class of software....

for instance, (info is not correct but used for example)

minimum cpu speed needed:
DVD software decoder (to watch movie): 300Mhz

listen to MP3: 200Mhz

use Netscape/IE:166Mhz

you get my drift.... reason I asked is how do I know what is the minimum cpu
I needed for each intented software I plan to use.... Like for
example...what speed do I need if I plan to build a linux box that act as
mp3 jukebox,

or nfs/samba fileserver

or masq box

I buy/build box with old/used parts and tryied to decided which software
will work with it based on cpu requirement




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: bash history
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:07:45 +0000 (UTC)

On Sun, 11 Feb 2001 09:05:56 -0500, Brian Goodyear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>H......bash seems to have just given up saving the history file.  According 
>to  'set" HISTSIZE=500.
>Is there something I'm missing.  As far as I know, nothing has changed.

I imagine that ~/.bash_history is only saved from the last time you logged
out of a login shell.  How many lines are in your .bash_history and what
does the following tell you:

env | grep HIST

'set" HISTSIZE=500 is not a valid statement (mismatched quotes).  Perhaps
you want to use the following in one of your profile or bashrc files:

export HISTSIZE=500

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Perry)
Subject: Re: Compiling 2.4.1 kernel, no aic7xxx module found
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:09:25 -0000

On Thu, 08 Feb 2001 17:52:25 -0700, Kerry Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Howdy all. I just compiled the 2.4.1 kernel on my test box. No problems.
>I had installed Red Hat 7.1 beta 3 and it took to it like a duck to
>However, I wanted to install the 2.4.1 kenrel on my production machine
>that has a SCSI card, i.e. an Adaptec card, and when I went to do a
>"/sbin/mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.1.img 2.4.1" I got an error message
>saying the following:
>[root@quasi 2.4.1]# /sbin/mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.1.img 2.4.1
>No module aic7xxx found for kernel 2.4.1 
>Any ideas. I cannot do a "make install" now since it cannot find the
>image. Is the 2.4.1 kernel not needing this image anymore?
>/-----------------------------\  /--------------------------\
>|        Kerry J. Cox         |__|    [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
>|  System Administrator KSL    __      (801) 575-7771       |
>|     |  |      ICQ#37681165        |
>\-----------------------------/  \--------------------------/

Why not just compile adaptec support into the kernel and get rid of the
whole initrd thing?  I would go back and look at what you set for the kernel
compile option for the scsi driver.  I tend to not use initrd if I am
booting a system from the scsi drives that I create the ramdisk for.  Your
call though.

You did download the generic kernel sources, right and did the make modules
and make modules_install thing?

Michael Perry


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: Olympus D-340L crashes gphoto (Linux)
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:16:57 +0000 (UTC)

On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 22:48:12 -0500, stoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi, David,
>gphoto 0.4.3 also crashes with my D-360L when getting
>thumbnails. A workaround is to NOT get the thumbnails,
>but simply get photos without previewing them.
>I've also noticed that this error typically occurs
>right after the camera has entered sleep mode. I
>wonder if gphoto sends a "wakeup" notice before
>sending commands?
>Still, it's nice to have SOMETHING that works in
>getting pics from this camera.  (Let me know if
>you find out).
>Lamar Stonecypher

Since the link for bug reports didn't work, I contacted the developer
address and they said that efforts are going into the gphoto2 libs (which
have various front ends available), so they are not doing anymore with the
old gphoto.

>David Efflandt wrote:
>> I am trying to figure out why my Olympus D-340L crashes 'gphoto' in Linux
>> (which is supposed to support it) when I attempt to get thumbnail pics.
>> Also it sometimes reports incorrect num_pictures_taken.  But I cannot
>> check bug reports because is not responding.
>> Version 0.4.2-1mdk that came with Mandrake 7.0 loads the 1st thumbnail and
>> crashes attempting to download the 2nd thumbnail.  Version 0.4.3-1 crashes
>> on the 1st thumbnail.  Both crash attempting to display a live
>> image.  Following is example of both versions with same SmartMedia card:
>> gPhoto 0.4.2 (Dec  7 1999) - the GNU digital camera application
>> Copyright (C) 1998-99 Scott Fritzinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Usage: gphoto [-h] [-c] [-n] [-s # filename] [-t # filename]
>>               [-d #] [-p filename] [-l filename]
>> num_pictures_taken is 39
>> convert: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0xc8 0x4c (/tmp/gphoto_image_2.jpg).
>> convert: Missing an image file name.
>> convert: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0xc8 0x4c (/tmp/gphoto_image_2.jpg).
>> convert: Missing an image file name.
>> gdk_imlib ERROR: Cannot load image: /tmp/gphoto_image_2.jpg
>> All fallbacks failed.
>> gPhoto 0.4.2 (built Dec  7 1999) process 12668 has crashed
>> due to fatal errors.  Please send us a bug report!
>> See $INSTALLPREFIX/doc/gphoto-0.4.2/BUGS or
>> for details.
>> sh: bug-buddy: command not found
>> Aborted
>> NOTE: incorrect num_pictures_taken in following (should be 39):
>> gPhoto 0.4.3 (Mar  6 2000) - the GNU digital camera application
>> Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Scott Fritzinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Usage: gphoto [-h] [-c] [-n] [-s # filename] [-t # filename]
>>               [-d #] [-p filename] [-l filename]
>> num_pictures_taken is 4
>> convert: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0xd8 0x5f (/tmp/gphoto_image_1.jpg).
>> convert: Missing an image file name.
>> convert: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0xd8 0x5f (/tmp/gphoto_image_1.jpg).
>> convert: Missing an image file name.
>> gdk_imlib ERROR: Cannot load image: /tmp/gphoto_image_1.jpg
>> All fallbacks failed.
>> gPhoto 0.4.3 (built Mar  6 2000) process 12852 has crashed
>> due to fatal errors.  Please send us a bug report!
>> See $INSTALLPREFIX/doc/gphoto-0.4.3/BUGS or
>> for details.
>> sh: bug-buddy: command not found
>> Aborted
>> --
>> David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt)
Subject: Re: SONY GDM-1952 MONITOR(fixed-freq)
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:24:04 +0000 (UTC)

On Sun, 11 Feb 2001 12:57:49 -0500, Robert H. Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hello All in the 'sPace'.....
>I am using a Sony GDM-1952 "fixed-frequency" monitor rescued from an old
>workstation going to the dump.  It works fine in windoze with the help of
>excellent shareware 'POWERSTRIP" from EnTech Taiwan.  I've read as much as I
>can understand (*newbie* : ]  ) on modelines and framebuffers and now I'm
>really confused.  Can someone help me compute these modelines *and* tell me
>if I'll need the modelines and the framebuffer info??
>Tech stuff:  Monitor  -----  1024x768@60Hz
>                                        48.78khz  horiz scan
>Distro:        SuSE v 6.3 (6-CD'S)
>video card:    SiS 6326 w/8MB
>MUCH more tech stuff on monitor and video card if needed.

Do you already have X setup for your video card?

Since your monitor is fixed frequency, there is probably a table somewhere
that tells Horizontal and Vertical frequency for each resolution.  Plug
those into HorizSync and VertRefresh settings in XF86Config as a comma
separated list.  See 'man XF86Config'.

David Efflandt  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: mdk 7.2 cups Epson 760
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:30:07 -0000


I'm using two partitions on my PC, (mandrake 7.2 and windows 95). With the second one, 
no problem to print with my epson stylus color 760. 
With mandrake 7.2 I'm using kde and cups (and I am conneted via dhcp). It is  easy to 
configure the printer, and to print  immediatly after.
Half an hour later the printer icon shows "Unable to retrieve printer infos". 
The file /etc/cups/printers.conf  , /etc/cups/ppd/epson1.ppd    (epson1 is the name of 
my printer) are looking not damaged. But I have to reinstall the printer in order to 
be able to print. Why? that is the question.
Thank you 

Posted via CNET


Subject: Beginner - Can't get XFree86 to work
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:28:15 GMT


I have just bought a new computer and trying to install linux (Red hat
7) on it. Linux installs fine.

I can't seem to get XFree86 to work (so I cannot get any GUI at all).
When I run XConfigurate and type "startx", I get a blue screen (It is a
bit wavy - I think it may be having probs with the video card???), and
a warning box (ie. a Dialog box with the title Warning - nothing is
actually filled in). Also, once this happens, My mouse/keyboard no
longer seem to repond. (CTRL, ALT, BACKSPACE and CTRL, ALT,
KEYPAD_+/KEYPAD_- do nothing at all. The mouse pointer doesn't move).

The system I have (the parts I think are relevant):
Sony 19"mMultiscan G400 trinitron Monitor.
Matrox 32M G450 video card (for this, I am running the server XF86_SVGA
and the XFree 4 driver: mga. These are suggested by atuodetect)
Logitech MouseMan Wheel (When I use a microsoft wheel mouse, it also
IBM keyboard (the mouse and keyboard are not new, but I can't think
they would be the problem).

I thought the problem may be with the video card settings, but I cannot
understand why the keyboard/mouse would stop responding.

Many thanks


Sent via


From: Frank Beatrous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: serial printer problem
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 16:42:43 -0500

I have an very old Apple Laserwriter that is currently attached to a
serial port on my linux box. It usually works fine, but it
occasionally stops printing when it receives a page that contains a
complex postscript graphic. The printer light continues blinking for
a while, but no further pages are printed. I'm assuming that some
data is being lost when some pages are too big to fit in the printer

Here are some details. I'm using xon/xoff flow control, since the
printer doesn't support rts/cts. After reading the serial printer
section of the printing howto, I tried setting ``closing_wait'' to
infinite with setserial, which didn't seem to help. The problem
is not lpd related: I get the same result whether I send the
postscript file directly to /dev/ttyS1, or send it through lpr.
For what it's worth, I'm including my serial port settings below.
If anyone has any suggestions for getting it working right, please
let me know. Thanks.

% stty -a </dev/ttyS1
speed 38400 baud; rows 0; columns 0; line = 0;
intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>;
eol2 = <undef>; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R; werase =
lnext = ^V; flush = ^O; min = 1; time = 0;
-parenb -parodd cs8 -hupcl -cstopb cread clocal -crtscts
-ignbrk -brkint -ignpar -parmrk -inpck -istrip -inlcr -igncr icrnl ixon
-iuclc -ixany -imaxbel
opost -olcuc -ocrnl onlcr -onocr -onlret -ofill -ofdel nl0 cr0 tab0 bs0
vt0 ff0
isig icanon iexten echo echoe echok -echonl -noflsh -xcase -tostop
echoctl echoke

Frank Beatrous
beatrous at pitt dot edu


Subject: Newbie Question
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:35:49 GMT

What is the best way to create an exact copy of a hard drive partition.
Both the source and destination partitions are ext2fs formatted.

Thanks in advance

Sent via


Subject: Re: Newbie Question
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:39:23 GMT

I would recommend Partition Magic.

In article <9670jl$kba$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> What is the best way to create an exact copy of a hard drive
> Both the source and destination partitions are ext2fs formatted.
> Thanks in advance
> Kevin
> Sent via

Sent via


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,alt.os.linux.mandrake,
Subject: Re: Konqueror speed
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 21:50:47 GMT

I have exactly the same problem. Konqueror take a lot longer to display pages
than Netscape. The platform is IBM's AIX with the recently released
'Linux-Toolbox'. I don't want to go and recompile the stuuf myself, but would
like to know if I should expect this or if something is wrong.


In article <94k7q9$ttn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> In article <94k5rb$s00$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On my home Linux box (Mandrake7.2 on AMD K6-2 300), Konqueror is a lot
> > slower than Netscape 4.75. It takes about 5 - 10 times longer to
> display
> > JPEGs that stored locally (on HD) with Konqueror than it does with
> > Netscape. I was told that one can try to optimize the libraries
> > Konqueror is using to get better performance. How can I do that? And
> > shouldn't they already be optimized ? (I have a fresh Mandrake 7.2
> > install)
> >
> > Thanks in advance!
> >
> > Wroot
> First, scrap Mandrake, it is a piece of junk, from experience(at least
> Mandrake 7.1), and it does not upgrade well or easily.  Grab the sources
> off KDE's web site and edit the configure files in all the directories
> replacing the "-O2" flags with "-O3" flags. This will increase
> optimization for your processor, which will make it optimized for only
> your machine, no older machines can run it now.  Now, do a make and make
> install on each directory, starting with kdesupport, then kdelibs, then
> kdebase and the others.  It must be done in that order, b/c kdebase
> requires libraries from kdelibs, and kdelibs requires some stuff from
> kdesupport.  Now it should work better.
> If you are a programmer, e-mail me about a new DE, called BDE, which
> uses a radically new toolkit, developed by me, which uses shared
> libraries to handle all the functionality of the widgets, including
> drawing them and returning events.  Read about the DE @
> (a little out of date,
> since I haven't changed it to match my new plans).
> Justin Hibbits
> "Hack the planet!" - Hackers(1995)
> Sent via

Markus Baertschi, Etoy, Switzerland

Sent via


Subject: Re: wanna buy a $200 Linux computer?
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 22:00:48 GMT

> email me and I'll tell you how to buy.

.. And the canonical place to look for such would be (rummaging in
~/public_html) <>

It escapes me why someone would think it a sensible idea to email
someone to get a URL when they could just post the useful
information.  Unless they've got some scam going...
(reverse (concatenate 'string "gro.gultn@" "enworbbc"))
Rules  of the  Evil  Overlord #112.  "I  will not  rely entirely  upon
"totally  reliable"  spells  that  can be  neutralized  by  relatively
inconspicuous talismans." <>



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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