Linux-Misc Digest #981, Volume #27               Tue, 29 May 01 21:13:02 EDT

  Re: Who to install a .gz.tar file? (Fred K Ollinger)
  Re: sendmail/postfix (Michael Heiming)
  Re: Good web based mail server? ("Horst Simon")
  getting vfat support on a bootable floppy ("hdc")
  Re: Why does Linux / OSS community love mailing lists and hate news servers? (John 
  Re: Kwrite for Gnome? (James Richard Tyrer)
  Re: Why does Linux / OSS community love mailing lists and hate news servers? (Steve 
  Re: VNCserver + Mandrake-8.0?? ("twamn")
  Re: Matrox AGB graphics card question: simple ("lobotomy")
  Re: Please help me get WIN98 back!! ("twamn")
  Where is Mozilla's bookmarks file? ("Robert Morelli")
  Re: Sensor module for via686 motherboard (K133A) (Dave Uhring)
  Re: how to connect to internet in non-X (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: how to connect to internet in non-X (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: 2 MP3 Questions - Static and Bit Rate (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: Is it worth upgrading kernel? (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: Kernel 2.2.28 Oops (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: Latest version of Linux (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: linux (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: linux and the Mac (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: linux (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: manipulating /etc/passwd + /etc/group (SammyTheSnake)
  Re: Who to install a .gz.tar file? (James Knott)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fred K Ollinger)
Subject: Re: Who to install a .gz.tar file?
Date: 29 May 2001 22:22:00 GMT

Scsi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: Yeah ... why should I be penalized through levied taxes and taxation because
: someone else downloads copyrighted materials? Too much government = slavery.
: Down here in the US the government = big business and we have all become
: robots and slaves to a group of captialist and greedy folks. Uh ... not all
: of us but 90% perhaps. So blind.

: Scsi2

: "James Knott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
: > Mladen Gogala wrote:
: > >
: > > Voila! Mkisofs is installed into /usr/local/bin.
: > > Make sure that you do not burn copyrighted music to your CDs as it is
: > > bad for your soul and for the recording industry profits.
: >
: > FWIW, Canadians can now legally copy copyrighted music, for their own
: > use.  The copyright owners get reimbersed through a levy the government
: > slapped on blank CDs, audio cassettes etc.

Do the taxes apply to hard drives? You can always go over border and buy 
blank cds.



Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 01:01:43 +0200
From: Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sendmail/postfix

"Sudhakar R." wrote:
> I recently replaced my RH 7.0 with Mandrake 8.0. To my suprise I noticed
> that sendmail was not the default mailer...there was this one i'd never
> heard of before -- postfix.

You could shutdown postfix and install/configure sendmail.

However, postfix is somehow easier to configure than sendmail, no m4
needed, most is done in, some files like aliases are the
same as sendmail uses, check the docs that came with it and the
online docs.

Good luck

Michael Heiming


From: "Horst Simon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Good web based mail server?
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 09:14:59 +1000

Hi Jeff,

Have a look at


In article <i5EQ6.34452$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "A.M.F."

> Ivy Chiong Sia wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> You may want to try evaluating our product, Internet Exchange Messaging
>> Server, it is a complete and standalone mail server and has a web mail
>> client.
>> This stuff runs on Redhat too.
>> You may get your copy at the following sites:
>> Standard Tar:
>> Compressed Tar:
>> Let me know, if you have downloaded you the program and I will assist
>> you on this one.
>> Ivy
>> "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
>>> I'm running RH7.1 amd am looking for a good Web based mail-server app.
>>> Any favorites or suggestions?
>>> Thanks
>>> Jeff
> Youre using linux right? I would suggest you play around with smail,
> sendmail or one of the other linux programs. A simple search for linux
> mail servers will probably yield you a pretty large list. Running
> Microsoft products is just an all around bad idea. Microsoft corp
> doesn't even use their own products because of all the security
> problems. Unless you want to download a huge bloated program to handle
> your mail. I would suggest using a package that came with your linux
> distribution.


From: "hdc" <x@x>
Subject: getting vfat support on a bootable floppy
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 17:16:35 -0400

I've created a bootable linux floppy with which to access a disk on a chip,
which is formatted as FAT16 partitions.  I can see those partitions on fdisk
running on my bootable linux floppy.  When I try to mount the FAT16
partitions, with or without the -t vfat option, I get a statement that vfat
is not supported.  Now, vfat is operable on the system I created the floppy
from.  What do I have to do to get the floppy to support vfat?  It
automatically supports ext2 without my having done anything.

I'm using RH 6.1.

Thank you.

Howard Cohen


From: John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why does Linux / OSS community love mailing lists and hate news servers?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 19:13:10 GMT

wade blazingame writes:
> Threading is almost never supported as well in mail clients as it is in
> news readers.

Gnus supports threading extremely well for both news and mail.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin


From: James Richard Tyrer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.general,linux.redhat.misc,
Subject: Re: Kwrite for Gnome?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 23:26:25 GMT

Dave Brown wrote:

> There seems to be some erroneous impressions floating about.  "Gnome" is
> a group of shared libraries, gtk being the principle one.

NO, Gnome is a Desktop

> "KDE" is a group of shared libraries, qt being the principle one.

NO, KDE is a Desktop

> Gnome applications don't run "in" KDE.  KDE apps don't run "in" Gnome.  If you
> have both shared libraries installed, you can run either Gnome apps or KDE
> apps.  The presence of one library does not prevent access to the other
> library.  Shared libraries provide functions to applications which dynamically
> link to those functions at runtime.

Your point is NOT well taken since you are basing a semantic discussion on the
choice of a preposition.  Whether someone chooses to use: 'in', 'on', or 'with'
really makes no difference.  You could correctly say that you are not running KDE
in an X session because they actually run in parallel as far as the OS is
concerned but that is not the way people think about it.  If you start X and then
open KDE, you are running KDE in X.  If you then start Gedit, you are running
Gedit in KDE.  Just as we say that we run an application "in" a terminal.  Perhaps
we say this because we do not think of the OS as being multi-tasking

> "Desktops" are combinations of applications, the "governing" app being the
> window-manager,

This is not true.  Although it is not totally clear just what a Desktop is, it
does not include the window manager since it is possible to run a Desktop on
different window managers.

> and "applets" which usually require code in a window-manager to be started, as
> they are not complete standalone applications of themselves.  Perhaps when one
> says "running a gnome app in KDE", they are saying "I use
> the KDE window-manager,

Since you do not have to be using Kwin (the default window manager for KDE) to be
running KDE, this would not be the case.

> and I can still run a gnome app."  But, of course,  given the one has the Gnome
> library available.  Kinda like saying, "I use the KDE desktop, but can still run
> Netscape (which uses the Motif library,  but was statically linked, so you don't
> need Motif separately installed).

As I implied the preposition 'with' is strictly speaking more correct.  So, you
can run Kwrite *with* KDE.  You do not need to have the GNOME Desktop running to
do so.

Is everyone happy now?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Lamb)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Why does Linux / OSS community love mailing lists and hate news servers?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 23:34:27 -0000

On Tue, 29 May 2001 06:52:11 GMT, wade blazingame <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Signing up for mailing lists is a hassle.  Getting off some of them can be
>a freakin nightmare.  

    Must be new to lists then, aren't you.  Far easier to subscribe to a list
than to create a new news connection.

>Your in-box is stuffed with every message whether you're interested in the
>subject or not.  


>Threading is almost never supported as well in mail clients as it is in news

    Mutt threads quite nicely.

>If the mailing lists are archived at all, they're archived using terrible
>HTML interfaces that are illogically presented, painful to use and

    As opposed to news where, after it expires off the news server the only
option is generally Deja which is archived using a terrible HTML interface
that is illogically presented, painful to use and inflexible.

>This really discourages participation and strengthens the misperception
>that OSS packages are difficult and unapproachable.

    Only for people who want to be spoonfed

>Why must it be this way?  Can someone explain this to me?

    Try using the fork.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.


From: "twamn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: VNCserver + Mandrake-8.0??
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 18:48:04 -0500

It should be port 5900.  For Unix boxes where you can have more then one
desktop you can have ports 5901, 5902, ...

Do a seach on Yahoo for VNC.  Go to there site they have a lot of easy to
read documents on setting up VNC.


"Ish Rattan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello:
> what port does a vncserver accepts connections? Needed to write
> a firewall rule..
> Thanks in advance.
> - ishwar


From: "lobotomy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Matrox AGB graphics card question: simple
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 23:59:42 GMT

Using the framebuffer console (if you have kernel support) you can run
the console at basically any resolution the card supports.  I have heard
of at least 1280x1024 used, don't know how may characters that comes out
to, but I would imagine it is more than 50x140.

In article <9f0f62$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Allen Ashley"

> I am considering a matrox AGB card but I need to know the VGA character
> modes supported. All cards support 80x25, but what else do the Matrox
> cards support? Older Matrox cards would support 50x140 and stuff like
> that.

PC Chips actually goes by many names. PCChips = Ability = Alton = Amptron = 
Aristo = Asia Gate = Asiatech = Assa = Atrend = Elpina = Eurone = Fugu = 
Fugutech = Hi Sing = Houston = Hsing Tech = H Tech = Matsonic = Minstaple = 
PCWare = Pine = Protac = QDI = Warpspeed


From: "twamn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.redhat,comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Please help me get WIN98 back!!
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 18:58:21 -0500

Take it from a person who has been there before.

Next time unplug ALL drives except the one you want to install to.  I went
to upgrade my PC to Win2K and overlaid the boot section to my existing OS
(ouch).  Now every time I install a new OS I only have one hard drive plus
the CDrom drive connected to the mother board.

I know this is to late for you but hopefully it will help others avoid
wiping out their main OS while doing a 'simple' dual boot upgrade.


"Somphong K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:9f0sna$a37$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> During this Memorial weekend, I installed Redhat 7.1 (Kernel 2.4.2-2)
> on my PC at home. Win98 is on IDE drive/A and Rh7.1 completely on IDE
> drive/B. I did not realize at the time that part of linux, such as /boot
> partition, had to be on drive/A to use LILO.
> During graphic installation,I was prompted where to put LILO i.e. in MBR
> or linux drive's boot partition. Unfortunately I decided to avoid fooling
> with MBR and opted for the later.
> The lilo installation ended up with failure. Everything else went fine.
> I created boot diskette. I then realized I was no longer able to boot
> Win98. Everybody in my household jumped on me!! My wife wanted to search
> webs about her stock investment, my kid wanted to play starcraft with his
> folks, ....
> I hoped to restore MBR by executing 'fdisk /MBR' under MSDOS but I was
> surprised to learn that all my Windows rescue and MSDOS diskettes failed
> to even boot. PC tried to boot from the floppies but hang after reading/
> loading a few blocks.
> When I mounted on to /dev/hda1, I could see that all Win98 directories
> and files were still intact. I just do not know why drive/A broke when I
> tried my best < which was obviously not good enough :-( > not to disturb
> its MBR.
> I would appreciate any advice that can pull me out of this mess.
> 1) What corruptions on drive/A and how to restore it??
> 2) I configured lilo to boot either linux and win98 but the later never
>    came up - it hang just like when I booted off diskettes.  Could you
>    offer me a copy of /etc/lilo.conf to compare. My copy is at home.
> 3) I configured printer OK but not my sound card (Turtle Beach Montogo II
>    and Altec Lansing 495). sndconfig autoprobe concluded it was Altec
>    ADA305 and mentioned it is not supported by Linux yet. I tried without
>    probe but there were only 2 Turtle Beach choices and my Montego II was
>    not ont the list. I tried both and they all ended up in errors.
>    Does it mean I'm out of luck as far as sound card is concerned?
> 4) Does Linux support HP 6200C scanner?? If affirmative, how?
> 5) I have MSN connection which I usually use their 'MSN Internet Access'
>    tool to connect. Could and how I connect to MSN from Linux??
> Please asnwer to my e-mail address. Thanks for kind assistance.
> Rgds somphong


From: "Robert Morelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Where is Mozilla's bookmarks file?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 18:52:52 -0700
Crossposted-To: netscape.public.mozilla.unix

On my linux system,  Mozilla keeps its bookmarks in a directory
with a weird name:
Can someone explain the rationale of this name?



From: Dave Uhring <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Sensor module for via686 motherboard (K133A)
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 20:00:45 -0500

Michael Heiming wrote:

> Wayne Osborn wrote:
>> > I did the same for an 8KTA3 mobo and various versions of the 2.4.*
>> > kernels, except that i2c is built in to 2.4, so I only had to fetch
>> > lm_sensors.  IIRC, I just removed the lm_sensors RPM before installing
>> > the kit that I downloaded from the site that you mentioned.
>> >
>> Yeh, I removed the RPM lm_sensors too!
>> > Wayne, I'm curious about your expericenes with that mobo, though. I and
>> > a number of other people on linux-kernel have had nothing but trouble
>> > with it, and Alan Cox has all but given up on getting it fixed without
>> > a hint from VIA about what the problem is.
>> Look, to be honest, I built the system Friday and only installed Linux
>> saturday.
>> Initially, the system was loaded with Windows 95 (GRRRR) so as to play
>> with overclocking!!! Windows is good for some things! The machine would
>> not boot Windows reliably over 1.2Ghz, sometimes at 1.3Ghz, but rarely.
>> In desperation, I gave up overclocking and went on the Load Linux etc.
>> This was never intended to be a Windows box.
>> Anyway, it is now running at 1.5Ghz (10x150) running genome@home the CPU
>> is around 39c.
>> As of yet I can;t say I have experienced any problems under Linux, ONLY
>> WONDOZE, and thats gone now :)
>> Funny, only today did I find kernel notes regarding the VIA / 2.4
>> problems. Are the problems real? SHould I stay with the 2.2.16 kernel?
>> >
> Hello,
> I'm running Epox 8KTA3 (750 MHz Athlon) and only had problems so far,
> I bought the some good RAM (256 MB 133MHz).
> Running SuSE Linux 7.0, I can't boot from SuSE 7.1 inst CD with kernel
> 2.4...:-(
> OK, I thought who really needs this shinny new distro, but I couldn't
> even compile modutils/binutils the machine just locks up and reboots,
> nothing gets logged to give any hint...:-(
> The machine hasn't reached any more uptime then 10 d, that's absolutely
> not
> what I'm used to with Linux. It just reboots randomly.
> Sadly, I bought the parts online, half was broken, and it took them
> over a month to deliver working parts...
> I'll buy a new mobo as soon as I can, anyone some hints what to get, it
> should have 1xAGP, >= 5 PCI slots and min. 1 ISA slot.
> Michael Heiming

You are probably SOL WRT the ISA slot on a good MB.  After reading 
anandtech's review of KT133 MB's, I bought the only one which they couldn't 
crash, the Microstar (MSI) K7T Pro 2A and have been extremely pleased with 
it.  Absolutely stable.

I run Solaris and FreeBSD on this system, too, and the MB is stable with 
them also.  Since I follow FreeBSD-STABLE, about every 2 weeks I make world 
which involves compiling about 300MB of code in one session.  Have yet to 
see a 'make buildworld' fail with signal 11 on this system.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: how to connect to internet in non-X
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:05:39 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Does redhat come with the utility XF86Setup?  I've always found that to
>be the easiest way to set up X-windows.  It's graphical (without using

BZZT! it actually uses the VGA16 X server...

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: how to connect to internet in non-X
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:03:26 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, girish wrote:
>2. Port on which ur Modem works fine.(generally it is on /dev/cua0
>or /dev/ttys0

I thought /dev/cua* was deprecated from, like, 2.0.x... Isn't it officially
defunct yet?

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: 2 MP3 Questions - Static and Bit Rate
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:08:32 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christian Capito wrote:
>If you're really interested in high-quality compression, take a look at
>ogg-vorbis (

have you played with it? how does it compare to your typical mp3 encoder? I
use bladeenc, personally, and haven't had any complaints yet, but I don't
tend to do a lot of benchmarking ;)

how does the file size compare, too?

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: Is it worth upgrading kernel?
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:20:08 +0100

In article <3b121faa$0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peet Grobler wrote:
>Note: This is not a "production" box per-se. I see it as a "production" box
>only for myself, since I use it as a database server, and to do quite a lot
>of development on. If it goes down, I'm gonna be bored out of my mind! But
>no-one else will notice. So changes are not THAT interfering.

bored?! when you've just got yourself the nice new task of fixing it?! ;)

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: Kernel 2.2.28 Oops
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:27:04 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stephen Cornell wrote:
>Just had my third kernel oops (in 3 years of using Linux), this time running 2.2.18
>on an SMP i386 machine.  Is anyone able to tell me if there's something I
>should be worried about?

report this to the kernel mailing list, along with any information you can
give about what you were doing when it happened. read
/usr/src/linux/REPORTING-BUGS for more information...

[snip oops]

unless this happens more than once, it's unlikely to be worth worrying
yourself about, but the kernel developers will certainly want to know.

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: Latest version of Linux
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:28:35 +0100

In article <3b11b21f$0$88192$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Dances With Crows
>If you have applications that don't run under Wine, there's always
>Win4Lin or VMWare, both commercial products, but well worth the money
>from what I hear.

both of which require windows to run, though, which wine doesn't.

Also, there's plex86 which is much like vmware but GPL :)

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: linux
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:52:18 +0100

In article <FHhQ6.1252$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, bowman wrote:
>an anecdote: until recently in the US, most classes of Amateur Radio
>Operator licenses required a demonstrated ability to transcribe Morse code,
>though Morse has been abandoned by the rest of the world. learning code was
>perceived as a perverse form of torture by many acolytes, One of the
>unspoken reasons for the requirement was  "to keep the riffraff out".  take
>this as you will.

AFAIK it's still the case in the UK, but you may find that morse code is the
only feasible way to communicate over certain classes of amateur radio,
until you start using x.25 or something...

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: linux and the Mac
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:55:34 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christian Capito wrote:
>Hi there!
>on Monday 28 May 2001 05:01, Shore Linux Solutions quoth:
>> graphic files on for me.  However the zip disk was done on a zip disk
>> machine.  What I would like to do is mount the disc on the linux box and
>What's a zip disk machine??
>> disc but I cannot get this mac zip disc mounted at all.  I have even
>> looked in /proc/filesystems and I don't see hfs listed.  However when I
>> looked at the man page for mount and hfs is a valid type for the -t
>> argument.
>So, I gather you can read Windows zips, which means the only other thing 
>you have to do is add HFS support in your kernel.
>You can activate it as a module in the area "Filesystem Support"

are you sure the filesystem is actually hfs?

try cat /dev/hdc | file -
and see what it tells you...
try the same with /dev/hdc1 through to /dev/hdc7 or whatever...

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: linux
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:50:34 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Peter T. Breuer wrote:
>Well, you can't install any modern distro on it just like that surely?
>It lacks a coprocessor! No install kernel will run on it.

umm, may I vouchsafe the opinion "bollocks"

his problem seems to be with Corel's (bloody stupid) assumption that
everyone who wants to install corel linux wants to do so from a windows
environment. OTOH, it strikes me that there's likely to be another option
somewhere on that CD. Has TOP read all the instructions that come with the

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (SammyTheSnake)
Subject: Re: manipulating /etc/passwd + /etc/group
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 14:57:43 +0100

In article <9eul60$56t$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Bill Unruh wrote:
>In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Michael Heiming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>]Claus Atzenbeck wrote:
>]> I realized that I have gid 501 at /etc/group for 2 users.
>]> This is probably done by accident.
>]> Is there any tool I can use to manipulate /etc/group and
>]> /etc/passwd?? Or which program do I have to call after manipulating these
>]> files using an text editor?
>Any editor. Just remove the relevant line(s) or change them. Be careful
>to honour the format. If you use /etc/shadow, also edit that file.
>For both files, when programs need the info, they just read the files.
>Ie, there is no cached storage of the contents. So you do not have to
>worry about updating any such cache.

use vigr and vipw if you value system integrity...

(be sure that your VISUAL and EDITOR environment variables are set correctly
first, though)

Cheers & God bless
Sam.Penny @                  | Looking for a computer related
Linux, Hardware & Juggling specialist :-) | job, if you can help, e-mail me :)
Wheels: bike, 'ickle bike, and unicycle.  | /o \/ Working on 3-5 ball tricks
Boxen: K6-266@300, dual Celery500 & Nx486 | \__/\ 6 balls and 7/8-ball exercises


From: James Knott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Who to install a .gz.tar file?
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 01:03:31 GMT

Fred K Ollinger wrote:
> Scsi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> : Yeah ... why should I be penalized through levied taxes and taxation because
> : someone else downloads copyrighted materials? Too much government = slavery.
> : Down here in the US the government = big business and we have all become
> : robots and slaves to a group of captialist and greedy folks. Uh ... not all
> : of us but 90% perhaps. So blind.
> : Scsi2
> : "James Knott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> : news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> : > Mladen Gogala wrote:
> : > >
> : > > Voila! Mkisofs is installed into /usr/local/bin.
> : > > Make sure that you do not burn copyrighted music to your CDs as it is
> : > > bad for your soul and for the recording industry profits.
> : >
> : > FWIW, Canadians can now legally copy copyrighted music, for their own
> : > use.  The copyright owners get reimbersed through a levy the government
> : > slapped on blank CDs, audio cassettes etc.
> Do the taxes apply to hard drives? You can always go over border and buy
> blank cds.

No, just stuff blank CDs and tapes.

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