Chris Hellyar wrote:
Careful using the term 'PON' in NZ, people who are in the industry will
think you're talking about Telecoms 'Private Office Network' which is
their radius secured remote office thing.  (Although I think they've
re-branded it, many people refer to it as PON still).

LOL Typical...

You actually thinking of digging up some roads?  [1]

Na, running down fence lines till you get to the drive way, then we're going to use number 8 fence wire to create an archway over the drive way.

Can you imagine how cool Riccarton will look with every drive way having decrative arches with fibre optic fairy lights over them?!

Cheers Don

[1] I'm sure you do know that you don't dig up anything these days, you tunnel under it, Telstra Clear have taught us all that.

And I would love nothing more than to be involved in building a whole PON network in Chch! Wouldn't it be fantastic to have a proper mesh network with a decent amount of local data included free and 1GB (contended) connections! Imagine the stuff we could do with it.

I don't know if there's a business case for three networks in Chch.

I suspect that T/C are planning/building a PON network as we speak. However history shows that it won't be a mesh network, it will be expensive and will have constraints.

Cheers Don

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