On Sun, 24 Feb 2002 21:16:42 -0600
"Brett I. Holcomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's with the KDE people.  They seem to be acting more like MS every day! 
>  Maybe some of them have to program windows for a job and the windows virus 
> is affecting them <G>.
> Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> > dep spewed electrons into the ether that assembled into:
> >> begin  Michael Hipp's  quote:
> >> | Does anyone know how to tell Konq/File Manager to stop littering my
> >> | home directory with xxxxxxx.directory files?
> >>
> >> you will not believe this, but last time i asked the kde developers
> >> about them i was told they do not exist.
> > 
> > typical.
> > 
> > the files are created whenever you "view" a directory under konq. I
> > *think* if you go through konq and turn off all the fancy directory
> > listing things (thumbnails, etc) it should stop making them. of course, it
> > is kde, so it probably won't
   Well I looked at the kde & qt stuff as I was going to jump into it. Then I 
saw the code and how it is put to gether. I would not tolerate any code as such.

1. QT has a designer whose out put is a xml type file and they create a set of 
special files from this xml file, then you create your constructor file, giving
you at least 3 files, not two. That is crapaloa.

2. The source code was all over the place, it appeared as if a one year old wrote

3.  kde is no better, kdevelop puts in everything in there make.in and config.in
filess even if your are creating a terminal app. That means all the kde qt & xt is
there, but you will never ever use it. I just found too much bad coding for my
taste. A reason I have moved to xfce. Also now working on a library from out there
that is a c++ wrapper arounf Xwindows. You can make apps look like they were
windows app converted to linux, but they are not. Just eye candy for the newbe.
Actually the code is quit fast, it should , c++ of X.


Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1
Registered Linux User

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