As the domains under my control come due I have been transfering over 
to these guys for the past 1 1/2 years without any problems. They are 
glad to talk and easy to reach by phone and do a great job for me 
when it hits the fan, like when netsol tries to keep the domain by 
refusing to transfer or even talk to you about it....oh we are 
looking into does not get answered....and woe unto 
you if you lose your temper with anyone there....they shit can you 
and forget about you....except they then try to own your domain they think they do with the expired ones.

Oh, one more thing....
make sure you try to transfer more than 30 days before due date or 
the above WILL be your experience, not possibly, not maybe, but WILL
be your experience. 

---end of tirade against netsucklutions/verishit.---

On Sunday 26 May 2002 02:34, Alan Jackson wrote:
> I've had a terrible experience with Network Solutions trying to get
> my domain host changed - I submitted the change last Saturday. They
> said "24-72 hours". I phoned today and they manually forced the
> change. Awful. Who do other people use?

Ronnie Gauthier
Each days terror almost a form of boredom
madmen at the wheel and stepping on the gas and the brakes no good
and each day one, sometimes two, morning glories
faultless, blue, blue sometimes flecked with magenta
each lit from within with the first sunlight
                           -- Denise Levertov --

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