Harry G wrote:

>I have a Olumpas C-3020Z camera, and a smartmedia reader by PNY.  Both 
>installed well when I installed suse 8.0, and both are USB.  Both work great.  
>As for editing, I don't use gPhoto, but I use Compupic from Photodex.  They 
>have a free Linux trial version, and for basic manipulation, it works great.  
>For more detailed work, I use Gimp.
>Hope that helps some.  Let me know if there are other specifics you need me to 
>find out.  Sorry I am such an old fart newbie.  (Brain don't work so well 
>anymore.  Damn 70's......)
>Harry G
>Now I am FAR from being able to be of much help yet, but I am willing to check 
>certain parameters for you if you wish.
>I do know they both use a DOS filesystem, and use the device  /dev/sda1 for 
>the reader, and /dev/sdb1 for the camera.  (These can be any port you 
>choose).  The mountpoints were assigned /dos/E and /dos/F.
I can't do much yet, as I've got a reinstall scheduled for tonight (I 
really want to try Gentoo 1.2, as 1.1a failed for
me.  I did something wrong, and I want the easy way out of it).

My smart media reader is made by Dazzle.  I'll let everyone know when 
everything works.


Bob Raymond

>On Mon June 10 2002 12:49 pm, Bob Raymond wrote:
>>Net Llama! wrote:
>>>Ahhh.   Well, keep in mind that the 460 is a serial port camera, where the
>>>380 is USB.  I have no clue about xferring pix from the camera to the PC
>>>via USB, other than mounting it as a SCSI drive.  That would mean that
>>>photopc is no longer needed (or gphoto for that matter).
>>So is that what one should do with any USB camera?  Excuse me, I'm
>>totally clueless.  Two cameras that I'd
>>like to connect:  Olympus C4040Z and Fujifilm 6900Z.  Haven't gotten
>>around to trying them yet, but hardware
>>troubles have been more important lately.  Both are my Linux-hating
>>parent's cameras, as well.
>>Last time I had my SmartMedia reader plugged in, Gentoo detected it when
>>detecting SCSI drives once, but I
>>couldn't try mounting because no card in device and other more important
>>things to do.
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