Joel Hammer wrote:
Thanks for the info.

Using vi -b there certainly is information dropped out when the picture is
edited and saved with xv. I am not sure why this has to be. You would THINK
that xv would preserve that information somewhere, but, I guess nothing is

The only thing I would like xv or whatever to save would be the date of the
picture, which is stuck in at the beginning of the file. I guess I could strip
that out somehow, if it were necessary.


Here is something I saved:

"Atte André Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Is there a way to have gimp preserve these information?

This is an old thread but I just joined this newsgroup.  There is a
great little program by Matthias Wandel called jhead (see  This program, in addition to
displaying the EXIF-headers, can also be used to run any conversion
program/editor to an image and it copies the EXIF-data from the old
image to the edited one.

Then you can combine jhead + gimp/jpegtran/whatever into the "external
editors" section of the gqview options-dialog.  The result is that
while viewing your photos with gqview you can rotate and edit your
camera pictures with a few clicks and retain the EXIF-data!

-- Mikko Harjula tel. +358-3-316 7552 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ken Moffat

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