I sure hope it becomes a windows killer.  We need one.  However, I have 
some rants on opensource in gengeral shooting itself in the foot while 
trying to kill windows <G> but I won't go into them here.  However, KDE has 
to become easier to install and maintain before it is a windows killer.  
Every version that comes out breaks things that shouldn't break and people 
seem to have so much trouble compiling it - even those who are gurus.  
Maybe it's because it's so big.

I really liked KDE and Konq when I started with 1.x and 2.0 or 2.1 was a 
great improvment but from there it went downhill for me.

To each his own.

Matthew Carpenter wrote:

> I understand what you are saying, but Tim has a point.  It's no mystery
> that I'm pretty happy with KDE for most things.  It is bloated, but I'm
> into bloat-balancing.  I like the pretty's, the things which presidents,
> managers and directors love to tinker with which make them try and stick
> with something.  I like KDE because it helps me get my work done faster
> (so long as I have a machine that can keep up).  I agree that KDE can
> cripple CPU's and memory-configs which would be great on a Linux server...
> but not Win2k or XP.  KDE is not for everyone but they definitely are for
> many.
> That said, one thing I'm intrigued about is the upcoming enhancements paid
> for by the German government.  Apparently KDE 3.1 or 3.2 is supposed to
> have an Outlook-like PIM and some back-end stuff.
> You're looking for a great tool and I understand that... I'm looking for a
> Windows Killer.  KDE so far seems to be the closest thing for Linux at
> this point.  <flame-guard-up>
> On Sat, 08 Feb 2003 13:17:26 -0500
> "Brett I. Holcomb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No, I'm not anti-KDE - I  just don't want to use it -. nor did I speak
>> against it - I simply said I read the changes and remembered why I didn't
>> want to use it.  Any one who wants to use it is welcome - and I did try
>> and give the man some help.

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
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