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ronnie gauthier wrote:
| I've had it with spam, RBL's bite. So what to do?
| I have taken drastic measures. I wish others would follow suit. We
could kill
| spam in short order. How? I have got fed up with yahoo a while back
and blocked
| them. A while back I had a rash of spam from comcast.com and mail them and
| complained heavily, it stopped. Until this week. Now comcast is blocked.
| When I say blocked I dont mean filtered I mean blocked from all my
domains and
| clients mail servers. FSCK to domains with a lax attitude about spam,
let them
| eat bounces.
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I attended the USENIX conference in San Antonio last month for the
Sendmail seminar. Eric Allman (the author of Sendmail) said that in the
near future we will see email become fragmentary and crippled due to the
neglect by ISP's to adequately punish the spammers they're  providing
services to, or condoning through their inaction. More and more people
and companies will flatly refuse any mail from entire netblocks or
domains which will cripple the ability of legitimate users to
communicate with the rest of the world. The key is to inform those
people of the exact reasoning why their ISP is "bad" and encourage them
to use someone legitimate. If the ISP has no customers because they're
blacklisted, the problem will become theirs, instead of ours.
Personally, I encourage the use of blacklists, provided they're
responsible, act quickly, and provide unbiased services that allow a
problem to be fixed and remove the offender as quickly as they list
them. Somewhere between allowing it all, and blocking it all is the
happy medium, and it's going to be different for everyone.

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Andrew Mathews
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