If you have KDE 2.1.1+ you can use Konqueror to browse window shares.  I'm 
not sure how this is setup, but I assume it works.


On Sunday July 08, 2001 11:13 pm, Jerry McBride wrote:
> I've set up a test samba 2.2.0a server on eDesktop 2.40 desktop computer
> and have 5 windows clients plugged into it. So far, all is well. Linux is
> really shining over here. Cheap, fast and very reliable... No real nits...
> but I'm no where near being a SAMBA guru...
> Which leads into my next question... :')
> How does a linux client handle shares? I see an smbclient app, included
> with the samba distribution... but surely there's more. I've found a
> browser of sorts... XSMBROWSER... works ok, but my god... I'll never sell a
> linux samba client to a prospective customer with it.
> So.. what does everyone else use? Has anyone found a real smb browser for
> linux? Any tips or input will be appreciate.
> Thank you, in advance.

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