I've followed the thread "Re: New York WTC" over the past several days.  I
have not commented on some of the things said in this, and similar, threads,
as I am simply too angry at this point to respond without winding up on a lot of
kill lists.  That would be pointless.   I offer the following as my meager
contribution to making some sense of the past few days.

This list, and its progenitor, provides forums for some of the most
articuate, intelligent and well respected minds in the linux community today. 
There is a wealth of collective knowledge here that could be put to many uses -
including helping rid the world of the twin evils of intollerance and

Many of you already know where I'm going, but bear with me just a moment
more; I won't keep you long. 

Evil on the scale we have recently witnessed requires money - lots of it.  It
requires organization, support, dedication and lots and lots of money.  Any
more, money, on this scale at least, requires an electronic presence.   I am
certain that there are those here who know how to find that presence.  I am
just as certain that there are those here who know how to make it stop working.

Racist cracks about "diaperheads", and "sew him up alive in a gutted sow and
leave the lot in the desert sun to dry" rhetoric borne of anger and
frustration is likely a necessary part of the healing process, but its ultimate
profitability is questionable.  There is evil aplenty in the world to oppose -
find it, shut it down.  Deprive evil of its cover, make it wonder if the wire
transfer went through, or what the home page of the fund raising web site in
Hamburg will say this morning or how it is that its email got re-routed to the
New York Times.   

Of course going into something like this is like walking eyes wide into an
ethical minefield, but having the knowledge and the skill and not using it
isn't?  If you know and you still just can't ... teach me.  Thank you for your

- Richard
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