> This is wrong.  Bin Ladin is a businessman, pal.  

Sorry pal. Do a little research and you will find that
Bin Ladin has never worked a day in his life. He is the
son of one of wealthiest Saudi's of the 20th century. His 
father, who *actually* was a businessman, was first involved 
in the oil business and later in international banking. Bin Ladin's
entire fortune is the result of another mans efforts... His

Further, Bin Ladin is personanongrata (sp?) in Saudi Arabia
even though he has a huge following in Saudi (As well as the
rest of the Arab world). Also, the Saudi Royal Family is 
terrifed of the bastard... He has a lot more political and
military power than you want to give him credit for. 

> Even if it were true that state sponsored
> terrorism was the sole, or even the most important,
> source of funding, it must have electronic
> access to the world.  

Where the hell do you think the money came from or do you 
think they just put the whole operation on their VISA card...?... 
Also, even in the most remote, war torn areas of the world
there is access to almost all forms of electronic communication.

One other thing: The moment these people plop this war into
your front yard you'll be singing a different tune. My own opinion
is (And I really could care less what others think of it) smoke the
Taliban government and all those who support it and let God sort 
them out. I certainly won't bother. 

M. Peck Dickens

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