> -----Original Message from Aaron-----
> BTW, here in Washington State, USA the weather is currently set at
> default.  A little below 50F and raining.

> -----Original Message from Keith-----
> Due to it's size, like the States, Australia has many 
> differing climate 
> zones. Brisbane has one of the most equitable climates 
> around, but this year 
> for some reason instead of getting some cooler breaks, it's 
> just been hot and 
> humid. I guess for 90% of the year its beautiful weather, but 
> no matter what 
> it's like the Aussie will complain, too hot, too wet, cold 
> etc.............

Which is why, like a local beer commercial says, "The Pacific Northwest is
the only area where both the fact that it is raining and the fact that it
isn't raining are cause for a beer."

Although, Aaron forgot to mention that we had clear skies and sunshine
(albeit cold ~0C at night) for the last 10 days of December.  Ooops.  I
didn't write that.  It *always* rains around here.  Come visit, but don't
move here!

   In Harmony's Way, and In A Chord,

   Tom  :-})

| Thomas A. Condon        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Computer Engineer       phone: (360) 315-7609            |
| Barbershop Bass Singer    Sailor and Singer of Chanties  |
| Left Handed and In My Right Mind                         |
 \ /
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