On Sun, 13 Jan 2002 23:36, David A. Bandel wrote:

> > modern distros deprecate the use of srX, get rid of them, literally.
> > Promise from me that you can do no harm by deleting them.
> What's your source for this?  

/usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt plus

latest releases of most Distros (RH7.1/2 eg) only have /dev/scdX nodes. not 
srX nodes.

>I run 2.4.17 w/ devfs

all bets are off. devfs is a good idea, badly implemented, attrociously 
documented. It doesn't work with the LABEL=/ statement in /etc/fstab

>when I modprobe ide-scsi then sr_mod, 
>the only devices created are sr0 and sr1.  
>These devices are created dynamically by sr_mod. 

Being pedantic, modules don't do this. devfs intercepts the registration and 
makes (and destoys) nodes on the fly. It picks up on the internally named 
'sr' labels because, by convention, the names of device drivers are 
associated, programatically, with /dev/names. sr_mod, is an unfortunate 

Ignoring devfs for the moment, the only thing any driver, and any 
application, looks for is major / minor numbers, you can call the thing, and 
address the thing, as /dev/elephants for all that it matters. (it's just a 
lookup to the major/minor number). 

kernel messages invoked by sr_mod refer to it's device nodes as sr0 ... etc. 
BUT, these are hardwired internal printk messages of sr_mod. Popular useage 
these days is /dev/scd0. 

Regardless, the point being is that both names /dev/scdX AND /dev/srX mean 
the same thing, they are both the same major minors and cause added confusion 
in an already confused and idiotic scsi node tree. ( I am referring to both 
the dynamic assignment of /dev/sxx anything, and the tree jumps to accomodate 
a squillion scsi minor nodes).

If it were not recommended to use scdX, and, if distros hadn't already 
pre-empted this by removing /dev/srX nodes, I would just as emphatically 
reverse my stance and remove scdX anything. Whatever whichway, the duality 
causes problems. (witness the screams in /etc/fstab by many users)

To be truthfull David, I hadn't considered devfs, it's an added wrinkle to 
the mess.

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