On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 06:49:23AM +0530, zohar wrote:
> Ex. Suse is giving this things that its normal advertising is done by
> seeing the stickers of your machine and pin on your ballhat but have you
> seen them advertising vigorously like big names like IBM, HP, Compaq,
> Microsoft, Seagate, etc.

That can be said about every distribution, not just SuSE and Mandrake.
SuSE doesn't seem to be abandoning the desktop market, nor is Mandrake;
Red Hat on the other hand has made explicit statements saying that
the desktop will remain dominated by Windows. (That having been said,
I do not mean to imply that Red Hat will disappear from store shelves.)

> Keeping a dedicated men/women for support and a dedicated server to make
> the user list working though seem to be a bit costlier for an individual
> user but it's a cheap deal in comparison of running an advertising
> campaign.

Even Microsoft doesn't do all that much mass media advertising. A couple
of big events when a new version of the Windows virus is propagated,
and then media-wise there is silence. I think you are comparing the
hardware advertising with software advertising, which is like comparing
apples with oranges.
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