I vote 3, but we really should organise a subset of 1. Been too long!

On 05/17/2016 02:58 PM, Chris Hellyar wrote:

Given that I still wear the installfest T-shirt occasionally I thought I'd throw my vote in as well. :-)

I think if Rick has a use for the money for the SFD's that would be a good local use for the money.

Cheers, Chris H.

-----Original Message-----

From: "David Kirk" <davidrk...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 17 May, 2016 09:52
To: "Canterbury Linux Users Group" <linux-users@lists.canterbury.ac.nz>
Subject: Re: [Linux-users] CLUG Bank Account

Hi Chris,
The balance is about $470.
So, we have three suggestions so far.
1. Drink it away
2. Transfer it to Rik to use for Software Freedom Day and his monthly meetings
3. Donate to the Free Software Foundation
I'm not a big fan of drinking it away, but it's not my money. The group can decide. Rik, are you reading this? I'm happy for the money to go to you. Do you have some ideas about what you would use it for?
I'm also fine with donating to FSF or other open source groups.
Lets vote.

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 5:53 PM csawtell <csawt...@gmail.com <mailto:csawt...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The "politically correct" thing to do with the remaining bank
    balance would be to gift it to the Free Software Foundation. I
    would not have any qualms putting my signature to a payment
    document which did this.
    btw : . What is the balance?
    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
    -------- Original message --------
    From: Criggie <crig...@criggie.org.nz <mailto:crig...@criggie.org.nz>>
    Date: 16/05/2016 15:17 (GMT+12:00)
    To: linux-users@lists.canterbury.ac.nz
    Subject: [Linux-users] CLUG Bank Account
    Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 09:37:08 +1200
    From: Derek Smithies <derek.smith...@gmail.com
    To: Canterbury Linux Users Group
    Subject: Re:
    Message-ID: <5738ec04.2020...@gmail.com
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"

    >   I think the real question is:: What does CLUG do  that makes a
    good reason to keep going?
    > We could all go down to the local and have a drink up...

    I'd rather you didn't - that's the sort of thing that ends up
    in the newspaper.

    Since there is no clug, anyone can do what they want.  This is one
    of the
    times where no-clug is a bad thing.

    Formalised groups have wind-up proceedings as part of their
    charter.  Clug

    So David - you could do anything or nothing, completely without
    consultation or approval.

    I'd make a suggestion that we consider these groups as worthy possible
    recipients for some or all of the funds.

    * Rik, for his ongoing work in the OSS field.
    * UOC for their contribution of mailing list, this being the only
    that holds CLUG together
    * WLUG, for being an Incorporated Society and doing the FOS/OSS thing.

    Noone's used horse in a long time.  I'm happy to turn it off.

    This is assuming that David can take money out of the bank without
    arms, legs or an entire firstborn.


-- Criggie


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