hi guys,

i have been a member of the list for nearly a year
now, but i mostly lurk, just trying to assimilate
random bits of Linux-gyan from the more experienced

the recent posts regarding the Linux - Bombay 2002[3?]
prompted me to post though -- especially once the talk
began moving towards a 'lets-hire-WizCraft / 360
degrees / ' kind of thread

though i have nothing at all against a 'more
professionally managed' event, i do have an issue
against outsourcing it -- having been on the core team
of a unique college fest before, i have realised that
*absolutely nothing* beats your own personal
involvement in everything right from whom to approach
for sponsorship to the what wattage of the bulbs to
use on stage...

an event management company is fine when it comes to
organising events for an audience whose needs are
well-understood ---Michael Jackson fans, for eg. ---
but i seriously have my own doubts about which event
management company would understand the unique needs
of a niche community like ours [ hell, we're a lot
different from a standard product launch or lecture
series, which is the maximum 'software expertise' that
most such companies have ]

which is why companies like IBM need to have their own
in-house event - preparation and - management teams

now for the alternative... who says we cant put up a
'professional' event on our own ? all of us have some
special skill which we can bring to the table... and
most have probably been involved in some sort of event
at some level [ organising / volunteering /
participating ].... 

it only needs time, and since not many may be able to
afford dedicating a burst of time a month before the
event, what must happen is that the preliminary
details must be hammered out soon -- discussions can
be done over mail [ like its already happening ] and
concrete steps [ looking at choices of venues,
sub-events, etc] can be carried out over weekends 

of course this is tiring and time consuming

but then the best things in life are never handed to
anyone on a silver platter

apologies again for the rant



P.S. : don't worry, even the 'smart-chicks' can be
arranged, and we won't even have to fill some
super-greedy event-management company's overflowing
coffers for it

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