i  can completely relate to what hanisha is saying.
even i was on core teams of my college fest for 3
years and its nto all that difficult . 

if i were to put it this way,  guys within the lug can
get better sponsors coz they know the indstruy guys
bettr than others. 

lugmemebers can write better slogans coz we are more
passionate abt linux than event managers. 

as far as logistics is concerned it will require some
effort. but then its whole lot of fun too. 

another thing that i guess will help is organizing
some trail runs, something like the Free Dev Net
Workshops on a larger scale (eg 2 workshops going on
at same time on same place. ) . 

who knows someday  someone from us will start an event
management firm that specializes in linux ;)

take care

--- Hanisha Vaswani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hi
> the recent posts regarding the Linux - Bombay
> 2002[3?]
> prompted me to post though -- especially once the
> talk
> began moving towards a 'lets-hire-WizCraft / 360
> degrees / ' kind of thread
> though i have nothing at all against a 'more
> professionally managed' event, i do have an issue
> against outsourcing it -- having been on the core
> team
> of a unique college fest before, i have realised
> that
> *absolutely nothing* beats your own personal
> involvement in everything right from whom to
> approach
> for sponsorship to the what wattage of the bulbs to
> use on stage...

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