Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:

>The big rift, between Barcelona/Monterrey and Washington DC, *is* the
>involvement of the trademark contingent. Do you disagree?

Yes. I don't think anyone is suggesting that trademark interests don't 
have a legitimate interest in DNS issues. In fact, the White Paper makes 
it clear that they do. I certainly see the trademark groups playing a 
role in the DNSO. Both drafts allow for their participation -- one 
expressly gives them a constituency and the other provides them the 
opportunity to form a constituency. 

   -- Bret


Bret A. Fausett
Fausett, Gaeta & Lund, LLP
21 School Street, Third Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Telephone: (617) 227-1600
Facsimile: (617) 227-1608


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