MM, I agree with you.  But i also suggest that ISPC begin to educate its
members on the importance of running their own alternative root servers.

However a very nasty thought occured to me.  I can see ICANN charging a fee
to ISP's who use the ICANN branded rootservers....    what to do?  ISPC
pays the fee and sets the info free on one of its servers for others to
point to?

Its looking more and more obvious that someone will need to fight these
people - whoever they are - in court.

I heard the legal BOF that met at boston in november enumerated 17
actionable issues....  I wish someone who was there would post them.

speaking of legal action, this is the PRIME time for the Internet law and
Policy Forum to make a name for itself.  Instead it is doing nothing
allegedly because Roger Cochetti is blocking action.

>I may fall out of my chair, but I am not laughing. Bill Lovell is correct
>as far
>as he goes: WIPO has no authority to create administrative law. But the
>problem is
>ICANN, not WIPO per se. If ICANN, in its monopoly position, decides to adopt
>WIPO's recommendations then it can exploit its monopoly position to force end
>users to "contract" to those terms. I encourage all of you on the right
>side of
>this issue to begin discussion of legal responses to such an evil
>alliance. ICANN
>clearly intends to exploit its bottleneck power over DNS to make itself into a
>global regulator. This may very well be the undoing of ICANN. But all
>are that it does intend to do so.
>Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>> WIPO creating administrative law...
>> Even the judges in our little country would fall of their (nice)
>> chairs laughing.
>> el

The COOK Report on Internet      431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA
(609) 882-2572 (phone & fax) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NOTE: Contempt in which ICANN PRES. MIKE ROBERTS holds rest of Internet:
"Some of those people think the management [ICANN] should check with the
public [the Communities of the Internet] every time they make a decision,
which is crazy," Roberts said. "That's flat-out crazy." WIRED NEWS 2/4/99

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