To answer your question about throwing the first stone. Your question reads
a bit like the "Are you a criminal/commie?" questions. Many people would
object to the question at the start because it implies that the people
being asked the question has done something wrong. Watching the reactions
to political debates shows that asking the question can be enough to get a
sizable amount of the audience to think the answer is yes, even when no
proof is ever given that something happened.

Then when the question was deleted, you demanded that pfSense take a stand
on it.

Let me show you what it looks like from the other side:

Have you planned to overthrow the government? When will you show that you
are not plotting to kill your fellow country men?

It is a simple question, when will we here something from you? I just ask
because I want to be sure that you are not trying to kill me.

For the tool in question, pfSense, once you start questioning it, there is
no way to get the bottom without eithering trusting the pfSense people
(which means that the question is pointless because if you trust them,
asking them if they have violated your trust means that you don't trust
them) or getting an external validation (trusting another group of people
or doing the work yourself).

FYI, there is a long history on the Internet of people asking simple
"innocent " question, not to get actually answers, but to cause trouble by
causing the effect described at the beginning of my email (these are called


On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Thinker Rix <>wrote:

> On 2013-10-09 20:22, Jim Thompson wrote:
>> On Oct 9, 2013, at 7:13 PM, Thinker Rix <> wrote:
>>  Hello Jim!
>>> On 2013-10-09 19:50, Jim Thompson wrote:
>>>> IMO, this bullshit thread only serves to assist those asking the
>>>> question in stroking their own ego.
>>> This is already the second time that you insult me indirectly.
>> It’s amusing that you don’t understand that you threw the first stone
>> here.
> This is correct. I do not understand where I am supposed to have thrown
> any stones or insult anybody, indeed. If you would like to show me, I would
> really be thankful.
>  May I ask again if you are an staff member of Electric Sheep Fencing LLC?
>> Staff members get paid.
>> I’m a co-owner, and have never taken a dime from ESF (or BSDP).
>> jim
> Thank you for the info.
> Regards
> Thinker Rix
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