Hi Fabian,

Why do you have those routes all pointing to the local lan-ip .?
Also the opt2 interface using a gateway pointing to the opt2-ip doesn't make sense to me.. For the Virtual-IP's for each subnet, they are all 'local' networks and should not need any routes to be explicitly defined either. Even though that might be implied by the 'do not filter same interface static-routes' firewall setting description... (That should stay enabled though).

I think (most of) those routing / gateway related settings might cause more harm than to something good.. i would opt to remove them and see if things improve..


Op 14-5-2018 om 10:39 schreef Fabian Bosch:
Hi - Attachements not working so here is the XML Plaintext:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <description><![CDATA[All Users]]></description>
            <description><![CDATA[System Administrators]]></description>
            <descr><![CDATA[System Administrator]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Test-Netzwerk (ANU)]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Aditi Adressraum]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Anu Projektnetzwerk]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Anu Projektmaschinen]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Default allow LAN to any rule]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Default allow LAN IPv6 to any rule]]></descr>
            <statetype><![CDATA[keep state]]></statetype>
            <descr><![CDATA[Ping Everywhere]]></descr>
            <statetype><![CDATA[keep state]]></statetype>
            <descr><![CDATA[OpenVPN incoming]]></descr>
            <command>/usr/bin/nice -n20 adjkerntz -a</command>
            <command>/usr/bin/nice -n20 /etc/rc.update_bogons.sh</command>
            <command>/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/expiretable -v -t 3600 sshlockout</command>
            <command>/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/expiretable -v -t 3600 webConfiguratorlockout</command>
            <command>/usr/bin/nice -n20 /etc/rc.dyndns.update</command>
            <command>/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/sbin/expiretable -v -t 3600 virusprot</command>
            <command>/usr/bin/nice -n20 /etc/rc.update_urltables</command>
            <command>/usr/bin/nice -n20 /etc/rc.update_pkg_metadata</command>
            <descr><![CDATA[Generic TCP]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Generic HTTP]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Generic HTTPS]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Generic SMTP]]></descr>
                <expect>220 *</expect>
        <descr><![CDATA[webConfigurator default (5af55220d03bc)]]></descr>
        <description><![CDATA[admin@ /system_usermanager.php made unknown change]]></description>
            <descr><![CDATA[Public WiFi Gateway]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[LAN Gateway]]></descr>
            <notification_name>pfSense growl alert</notification_name>
            <descr><![CDATA[Anu Projektmaschinen]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Aditi Adressraum]]></descr>
            <descr><![CDATA[Anu Projektnetzwerk]]></descr>

thank you!


Am 14.05.2018 um 09:02 schrieb Fabian Bosch:

I spent hours in this to get this running under version 2.4.3.
It's still the case that I get some kind of routing-loop at LAN interface if I want to route between subnets which leads to lost ping-echo requests or the disability to interconnect between subnets.

Even the ARP-table is showing the proper mappings for virtualPs of LAN Interface, only the packages got lost.

I cannot imagine the problem anymore whether it resides in the configuration or it is simply a hardware-issue. I need help from you guys so I attached the minimalized configuration backup file and I am thankful for everyone to take a look at it and test this out. Password is reset to default 'pfsense' and WAN-gateways and WAN Interfaces should/could be reconfigured.



Am 31.01.2018 um 09:12 schrieb Fabian Bosch:

Yes I cecked the Bypass firewall checkbox.
There it says
"This option only applies if one or more static routes have been defined. If it is enabled, traffic that enters and leaves through the same interface will not be checked by the firewall. This may be desirable in some situations where multiple subnets are connected to the same interface."

Because of that I set up my static routes for this Interface.
Meanwhile I updated to v2.4.2_1 - have to test it again.

Are there any other ideas of possible differences in automatic routing between v2.3.x and v.2.4.x since there is also a change of underlying FreeBSD-Version.



Am 30.01.2018 um 19:29 schrieb PiBa:
Hi Fabian,

Have you set?:
System/Advanced/Firewall & NAT: "Static route filtering, Bypass firewall rules for traffic on the same interface"

As for your 'static routes', i'm not sure what purpose they serve.. Routing between subnets known on a pfSense interface is 'automatic'.


Op 30-1-2018 om 9:57 schreef Fabian Bosch:

I cannot switch from Version 2.3.3 to 2.4.1 because of the routing at the same interface. I transfered the backup.xml from machine A (2.3.3) to machine B (2.4.1) and everything worked fine but the routing between Subnets assigned at LAN-Interface. There are multiple subnets set up via VirtualIPs and there are static routes to each of the subnets via the native LAN-Gateway Adress e.g route via GW_LAN( and assigned VirtualIP in this case Since this configuration runs well on 2.3.3 I wanted to ask whether there are major changes in default handling of traffic at the same interface. In 2.3.3 you don't need firewall-rules to allow traffic between subnets at the same interface - did this change in 2.4.1?


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