On 9/22/06 9:05 AM, "Christian Heilmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Personally I consider these things counterproductive, as explaining
> the user how to resize would make more sense (give a man a fish...).
> Then again, if you think your site needs those, you might consider
> using a larger font from the start anyways.

Agreed on all accounts.

However, this is an internal project, and the designer wants his design to
look as close to desired as possible (read: smallish fonts), however outside
clients will be hitting these pages, so I'm thinking he wants to be
accommodating without, say, putting a possibly condescending paragraph on
the page about using your browser to scale fonts and also looking "techie"
with the sizing widget.

I think in this particular case, it's harmless and gives me a chance to

Thanks for the link.

Tom Livingston | Senior Multimedia Artist | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com

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