On 11/3/06, Nathan de Vries <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 04/11/2006, at 1:22 PM, Christian Montoya wrote:
> Because the solution (yes, solution for a silly problem) has to work
> when the document is PRINTED. That means that it has to be either a
> plain HTML or print CSS technique.

When I open up my favorite website in either IE, Opera, Firefox or
Safari, and modify the content / layout using Javascript...it doesn't
print the original DOM. It prints the modified DOM. Are you saying
this doesn't work for you?

Oh, in that case it's fine, but it's not really a big difference. The
point still stands that the Javascript and non-Javascript solutions
produce the same end-result.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... portfolio.christianmontoya.com

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