On 07/05/2016 02:04 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
Oh, I like this idea of a more useful homepage.
Great.  Most of the time all I hear is crickets :)
However, I don't think we can track download statistics all that well as most 
people download it straight from Maven Central.
There's some data here:

Also the stats should be available per this:

Not sure if access is limited to contributors only ...


On 5 July 2016 at 12:50, Ole Ersoy <ole.er...@gmail.com 
<mailto:ole.er...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    It may help if the performance chart for multiple threads were moved to the 
index page, followed by simple code use and integration steps for other 
libraries.  The front page could be less verbose and more informative / 
executive summary'ish.

    When looking for packages on NPM the first thing I look at is downloads 
followed by API use cases.

    Here's a superagent example:

    For log4j2 replace the superagent ferret with the performance chart

    Ferret: 50K downloads in the last day (Good)
    Log4J2: ?

    Ferret: Simple all encompassing API (Good)
    Log4J2: ?

    Ferret: installation (Very easy)
    Log4J2: This is the biggest hangup for people

    If it's easy to switch out SLF4J, etc. then that's a big plus.  Maybe just 
one example (Play framework, Spring Boot), followed by links for other 

    Ferret: Plugin support - excellent
    Log4J2: ?

    The current index page sort of has this stuff, but with superagent I get it 
all with a quick glance.


    On 07/04/2016 03:47 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
    We have benchmarks pretty prominently displayed:


    Also, SLF4J is comparable to log4j-api; both need a logging library to 
actually work such as log4j-core, logback, log4j 1.x, or java.util.logging.

    Personally, I've found async logging to be a killer reason to switch due to 
all the performance issues other logging libraries cause.

    On 4 July 2016 at 15:33, Ole Ersoy <ole.er...@gmail.com 
<mailto:ole.er...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I personally like log4j 2 a lot (Because of Java 8 lambda support, cleaner 
architecture, etc.) and switching for me was really easy because I use lombok annotations 
to generate the logger.  But what would be the "Killer" reason to upgrade if 
say someone is using SLF4J?  For example HikariCP has this JMH Benchmarking chart on 
their front page that makes a pretty convincing case:

        Happy 4th,

        On 07/04/2016 02:37 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:
        So what sites are best to get syndicated on for this? I get a lot of my 
programming news from various subreddits for instance (r/programming, r/java, 
r/coding) along with Twitter. Otherwise, I learn about new things usually from 
java user groups or online presentations before digging into detailed tutorials 
and books.

        On 3 July 2016 at 10:11, Gary Gregory <garydgreg...@gmail.com 
<mailto:garydgreg...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            On Jul 2, 2016 4:34 PM, "Remko Popma" <remko.po...@gmail.com 
<mailto:remko.po...@gmail.com>> wrote:
            > Sent from my iPhone
            > On 2016/07/03, at 5:01, Ralph Goers <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com 
<mailto:ralph.go...@dslextreme.com>> wrote:
            >> Personally, I don’t think talks do all that much. Articles are 
great, but IMO the best route is in trying to get other open source projects to use 
            > +1



            >> Then people who start to use those other projects are forced to 
learn about Log4j.
            >> Ralph
            >>> On Jul 2, 2016, at 12:15 PM, Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com 
<mailto:boa...@gmail.com>> wrote:
            >>> If we could get a talk in to something big like JavaOne, that 
might help adoption, though I have no idea what kind of talks they accept from 
non-Oracle people (if any).
            >>> On 2 July 2016 at 08:57, Remko Popma <remko.po...@gmail.com 
<mailto:remko.po...@gmail.com>> wrote:
            >>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Remko Popma <remko.po...@gmail.com 
<mailto:remko.po...@gmail.com>> wrote:
            >>>>> In spite of the fact that Log4j 2 has a very compelling story 
in terms of feature set and performance, I get the impression that adoption is quite slow. I 
could be wrong, but how many open source projects use Log4j 2? Or even how many Apache 
            >>>>> I propose we try to generate some ideas about what we can do 
to increase our uptake. Some things I've been thinking about:
            >>>>> * Rewrite the Wikipedia page on Log4j. It's mostly about 
Log4j 1.2 and mentions Log4j 2 at the bottom in a footnote. That needs to be the other way 
around in my opinion. The Wikipedia Java logging framework page is even worse.
            >>>>> * The Apache Logging site has no explicit mention that Log4j 
1 is EOL.
            >>>> I updated the Apache Logging page to mention that Log4j 1 is 
            >>>>> * Only the top page on the Log4j 1 site mentions that the 
project is EOL, but it does so in two modest sentences that don't visually stick out and are 
easily ignored. At the very least the download page needs a mention of the EOL and a link to 
the Log4j 2 project, but it may be good to have a notification on every page.
            >>>> I added the EOL announcement to the top of all main pages in 
the Log4j 1 site.
            >>>>> * Can we get other people involved in evangelizing log4j 2? 
It would be great if we can make more people enthusiastic so they write blog posts or 
tutorials etc about Log4j 2.
            >>>>> * How can we incentivise people to convert their project to 
Log4j 2? Maybe start a page on Projects Using Log4j 2 and mention people who did the 
conversion by name? Or some other way?
            >>>>> Thoughts?
            >>>>> Remko
            >>> --
            >>> Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com <mailto:boa...@gmail.com>>

-- Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com <mailto:boa...@gmail.com>>

-- Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com <mailto:boa...@gmail.com>>

Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com <mailto:boa...@gmail.com>>

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