
Any update on this?


> On Mar 21, 2017, at 10:27 AM, Ralph Goers <> wrote:
> Thanks Matt!
> Ralph
>> On Mar 21, 2017, at 10:15 AM, Matt Sicker < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> No other opinions apparently. I suppose we'll go with the single list with 
>> bounce messages. I'll follow up with infra later today.
>> On 18 March 2017 at 13:12, Ralph Goers < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> OK. I guess I am fine with the bounce messages. Any other opinions?
>> Ralph
>>> On Mar 18, 2017, at 8:42 AM, Matt Sicker < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> I got this response from Gavin:
>>> Hi [~jvz] Sorry but I think I'm going to push back on that last request.
>>> Merging the lists - no problem
>>> Merging all the subscribers - no problem
>>> Creating bounce messages directing people to use the merged target list - 
>>> no problem
>>> People will know in advance this merger is going to take place, and if they 
>>> forget I think it'll take only one or two bounce messages to get the hint.
>>> If you are :-
>>> a) Happy with that - pick a date this can be done , let all lists users 
>>> know this is happening and the date then let me know.
>>> b) Not Happy with that - ping this ticket again and we'll escalate further.
>>> Thanks
>>> On 16 March 2017 at 22:23, Matt Sicker < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Oh, I didn't realise I had a response on how to handle that. Let me follow 
>>> up with infra.
>>> On 16 March 2017 at 21:46, Ralph Goers < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Is there any follow-up to this?  
>>> Ralph
>>>> On Mar 12, 2017, at 9:30 PM, Ralph Goers < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> 1. That seems fine to me.
>>>> 2. Is it possible to do both? I like the idea of annoying the sender but 
>>>> still allowing the email to be sent. It would cool if it could even add 
>>>> [list] to the start of the subject line.
>>>> 3. This is the main thing that needs to happen.
>>>> Ralph
>>>>> On Mar 12, 2017, at 7:49 PM, Matt Sicker < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Some things:
>>>>> 1. Archives won't be merged.
>>>>> 2. Infra suggests it might be a better idea to have the old email 
>>>>> addresses respond with a canned reply saying that the lists have moved 
>>>>> over to dev@, though they can set it up all as aliases if we prefer.
>>>>> 3. Current subscribers from all dev lists would be automatically 
>>>>> subscribed to the combined list.
>>>>> So, use aliases or have the old addresses bounce back and inform senders 
>>>>> to use the new list?
>>>>> On 12 March 2017 at 18:31, Matt Sicker < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Created a request, not sure if it's public: 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> On 12 March 2017 at 17:11, Ralph Goers < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes,
>>>>> If you could send the request to infra I would appreciate it.
>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>> On Mar 12, 2017, at 1:13 PM, Matt Sicker < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> The vote has been open for 5 days now. Based on the tallies and 
>>>>>> discussions, it sounds like we'd like to merge the dev lists but keep 
>>>>>> the user lists as is. Shall we move forward with combining them now?
>>>>>> On 10 March 2017 at 12:27, Dominik Psenner < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Total agreement.
>>>>>> On 10 Mar 2017 6:26 p.m., "Ralph Goers" < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> This is exactly why we need one dev list. These last two responses 
>>>>>> dropped the other lists.  This is a horrible way to have discussions 
>>>>>> that affect all the sub projects.
>>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>>> On Mar 10, 2017, at 9:11 AM, Matt Sicker < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I'd love to see more unified configurations in all the subprojects. 
>>>>>>> Gary mentioned that as an idea for log4cxx as that would make it useful 
>>>>>>> for his use case where they're using both Java and C++ in various 
>>>>>>> projects.
>>>>>>> While the programming languages in use here (Java, .NET, PHP, and C++) 
>>>>>>> aren't really compatible with each other, having similar architectures 
>>>>>>> and plugin systems could help a bit in this regard. Having more 
>>>>>>> inclusive conversations about this would be great.
>>>>>>> On 10 March 2017 at 04:29, Mikael Ståldal < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think that a vast majority of our users only uses one of the 
>>>>>>> languages we support, and therefore only are interested in one of the 
>>>>>>> subprojects.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 11:23 AM, Dominik Psenner < 
>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>> We had once the discussion that we wanted all Apache Logging projects 
>>>>>>> to become very similar in their usage, starting with the same or a very 
>>>>>>> similar configuration. Given that we should aim towards one Apache 
>>>>>>> Logging specification and several Apache Logging specification 
>>>>>>> implementations in the form of Apache Logging subprojects. That means 
>>>>>>> all the devs for all subprojects have to talk more. To me this is a 
>>>>>>> good reasons to merge the dev mailing lists. Further I don't see why 
>>>>>>> the same use case should not apply to the user mailing lists, too. 
>>>>>>> Those mailing lists see very low traffic but all of them need a larger 
>>>>>>> audience. Just quoting the last few messages of two user mailing lists 
>>>>>>> I follow:
>>>>>>> log4j-user: the last topic came in a week ago, the topic before that 
>>>>>>> about two weeks ago
>>>>>>> log4net-user: the last topic came in 24 hours ago and the topic before 
>>>>>>> that a month ago
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> On 2017-03-09 19:24, Ralph Goers wrote:
>>>>>>>> We use general as mainly an announcement list for topics that might be 
>>>>>>>> of general interest to all logging projects. Generally, these are just 
>>>>>>>> release announcements.
>>>>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>>>>> On Mar 9, 2017, at 10:37 AM, Matt Sicker < 
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Yeah, I agree that the user lists can remain separate as it doesn't 
>>>>>>>>> cause any issues currently. The main idea here is whether we should 
>>>>>>>>> merge the dev lists into one, or if we need a common dev list for all 
>>>>>>>>> devs to subscribe to (general@ doesn't sound appropriate, but I don't 
>>>>>>>>> know what that list is for).
>>>>>>>>> On 9 March 2017 at 10:26, Ralph Goers < 
>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> You should note that while we consider all votes only PMC votes are 
>>>>>>>>> “binding”. I don’t think that changes much however.
>>>>>>>>> From a PMC perspective I have to say that keeping the user’s lists 
>>>>>>>>> separate isn’t likely to be an issue as most of the things that would 
>>>>>>>>> need to be discussed would be on a dev list anyway.
>>>>>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>>>>>> On Mar 9, 2017, at 2:45 AM, Dominik Psenner < 
>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> The votes are way too scattered over the different mailing lists so 
>>>>>>>>>> that I didn't even find my own vote. ;-) Therefore I'm trying to 
>>>>>>>>>> summarize the current state of the vote:
>>>>>>>>>> log4j-dev@, log4php-dev@, log4net-dev@, log4cxx-dev@ -> 
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> Matt Sicker: +1
>>>>>>>>>> Ralph Goers: +1
>>>>>>>>>> Stefan Bodewig: +1
>>>>>>>>>> Sven Rautenverg: -1
>>>>>>>>>> Thorsten Schöning: -0
>>>>>>>>>> Ivan Habunek: -0
>>>>>>>>>> Dominik Psenner: +1
>>>>>>>>>> Remko Popma: +1
>>>>>>>>>> Mikael Ståldal: +0
>>>>>>>>>> Totals so far:
>>>>>>>>>> +1: 5
>>>>>>>>>> +0: 1
>>>>>>>>>> -0: 2
>>>>>>>>>> -1: 1
>>>>>>>>>> log4j-user@, log4php-user@, log4net-user@, log4cxx-user@, general@ 
>>>>>>>>>> -> <>
>>>>>>>>>> Matt Sicker: -1
>>>>>>>>>> Ralph Goers: +1
>>>>>>>>>> Stefan Bodewig: -1
>>>>>>>>>> Sven Rautenverg: -1
>>>>>>>>>> Thorsten Schöning: -0
>>>>>>>>>> Ivan Habunek: -0
>>>>>>>>>> Dominik Psenner: +1
>>>>>>>>>> Remko Popma: +1
>>>>>>>>>> Mikael Ståldal: -1
>>>>>>>>>> Totals so far:
>>>>>>>>>> +1: 3
>>>>>>>>>> +0: 0
>>>>>>>>>> -0: 2
>>>>>>>>>> -1: 4
>>>>>>>>>> Sorry to anyone who's vote is missing.
>>>>>>>>>> On 2017-03-08 05:20, Matt Sicker wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I may be missing some mailing lists considering I just subscribed 
>>>>>>>>>>> to half of them less than five minutes ago.
>>>>>>>>>>> This is a vote to merge the various Apache Logging Services mailing 
>>>>>>>>>>> lists. The proposal is to combine them as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>> log4j-dev@, log4php-dev@, log4net-dev@, log4cxx-dev@ -> 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> log4j-user@, log4php-user@, log4net-user@, log4cxx-user@, general@ 
>>>>>>>>>>> -> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> commits@ and private@ remain the same as before.
>>>>>>>>>>> The proposal would also suggest that the old emails become aliases 
>>>>>>>>>>> for the combined email names so as not to lose any future emails. 
>>>>>>>>>>> To distinguish between projects, a subject tag can be added such as:
>>>>>>>>>>> [java]
>>>>>>>>>>> [net]
>>>>>>>>>>> [cxx]
>>>>>>>>>>> [php]
>>>>>>>>>>> Though I wouldn't think such a tag is required, though it should 
>>>>>>>>>>> help in gaining the attention of the appropriate audience.
>>>>>>>>>>> Voting:
>>>>>>>>>>> +1: Yes, combine the mailing lists!
>>>>>>>>>>> +0: Go ahead, don't care that much.
>>>>>>>>>>> -0: Don't like it, but not vetoing it.
>>>>>>>>>>> -1: No, don't do that! I have a better idea!
>>>>>>>>>>> This vote follows the same "lazy consensus" (at least 3 +1 binding, 
>>>>>>>>>>> no -1/vetoes) we use for general releases and whatnot. The vote 
>>>>>>>>>>> will be open for at least 72 hours.
>>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>>> Matt Sicker < <>>
>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>> Matt Sicker < <>>
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Mikael Ståldal
>>>>>>> Senior software developer 
>>>>>>> Magine TV
>>>>>>> <>    
>>>>>>> Grev Turegatan 3  | 114 46 Stockholm, Sweden  |  
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Privileged and/or Confidential Information may be contained in this 
>>>>>>> message. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message
>>>>>>> (or responsible for delivery of the message to such a person), you may 
>>>>>>> not copy or deliver this message to anyone. In such case, 
>>>>>>> you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by reply 
>>>>>>> email.   
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> Matt Sicker < <>>
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Matt Sicker < <>>
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Matt Sicker < <>>
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Matt Sicker < <>>
>>> -- 
>>> Matt Sicker < <>>
>>> -- 
>>> Matt Sicker < <>>
>> -- 
>> Matt Sicker < <>>

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