* at 19/02 13:34 +0000 Steve Mynott said:
> Tony Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Surely part of the reason that so much bad code gains so much popularity
> > is that bad coders tend to think their code is good, so don't mind
> > publicising it and shouting about it lots. Good coders, on the other hand,
> > think that their code is always bad, so are reluctant to do much with it.
> > But their "bad" is usually much better than others "good" ...
> This is very true.
> Also code beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is subjective.  
> Also badly written code can be "good" in the sense of being useful.

ah, we have so much of that :( every time it needs hac^H^H^Hextended i
try and clean it up but given i never have the time to start from
sratch it's an uphill struggle. 
> We, as programmers, mean internal design when we say "good" whereas
> users refer to software as "good" because it has a simple UI, is
> useful and solves some problems without creating many new ones.
> Of course good internal design probably tends to correspond to a
> certain extent to good software, since it should be easier to extend
> when new features are required and should be less buggy.

and also, well thought out software design should reflect in better
useability. if the code is a maze of hacks and kludges then it's all
the harder to hide that behind a clean front end. the fact that UI
design seems to be a much ignored skill doesn't help.


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