On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 06:44:07PM +0100, Greg McCarroll wrote:
> > Hey, what if we had a system where we just elected a *candidate* we
> > liked, like one for each local area or something? Pretty crazy, huh?
> It'll never work remember the people outside the M25 get a vote as well,
> and we don't want to have to suffer as a result of their irrelevant whims.

I said ages ago that London ought to declare independence. It's a
similarly sized population to Scotland, after all. In fact, this very
question got brought up beautifully prior to the mayoral elections; I
recall some breakfast news interviewer saying "But... but Scotland has a
very distinct cultural identity, and London's just a grey blob", in a
somewhat more verbose manner, and being told where to shove it.


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