* at 13/05 16:41 +0100 Greg McCarroll said:
> * Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > At 15:27 13/05/2001, Simon Cozens wrote:
> > >On Sat, May 12, 2001 at 03:30:31AM -0700, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> > > > http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/7/18866.html
> > > > Absurd, laughable and bizarre. What *is* wrong with the UK?
> > >
> > >Don't ask me, you elected 'em. And it looks like you're all stupid enough
> > >to do it *again*.
> > 
> > <troll type="politics">
> > I know, I know. Blair doesn't have a socialist bone in his body - it's been 
> > a _most_ disappointing four years, all i all.
> > 
> > But given that the Socialist Alliance are only standing in ~100 
> > constituencies, there doesn't seem to be any credible alternative.
> > </troll>
> if only the SNP covered the whole of the UK

my experience of the snp is that the average supporter is a lot more
interested in 'getting rid of the english' rather than any of their
more useful policies. of course that doesn't neccessarily go for those
withing the party but given that independance is their whole reason
for existing[1] there must be some element of that in there.


[1] why does that sound so much more cumbersome than the french

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