Hello All,

I'm synchronizing my LDAP server (destination) with a MariadB Database.

MariaDB is the source and all new entries and modified entries are made to my 
LDAP server ; this is fine.

Now I'd like removing all my LDAP records that are not in my database.

As my script didn't remove records in my LDAP server, I tried to add a 
<cleanfilter> in my LDAPDestinationService


But now, when I start the process I get the following Error :

"...Contenu non valide trouvé à partir de l'élément 'cleanFilter'. Aucun 
élément enfant n'est attendu à cet endroit."

So this is not the good way.

According to the fact that the policies of my task seem to be right :


That my inetorgpers.xml seems to have the process for cleaning ..

<select id="checkPersonForClean" resultClass="java.util.HashMap" 
        Select pers.EventoID as uidnumber
            FROM Evento pers WHERE pers.EventoID = #uidnumber#

I dont'know where I could have a deeper look to solve that ...

Any Help is really welcome

Thanks to all

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