As I was deleting another repetitive pain in the ass flame post in the ongoing battle 
between the
greedy billionaire lute publishers and the brave Trotskyist proletariat struggling to 
free the
world's tablature I think I noticed an estimate of about 4000 lute players worldwide. 
Is this a
reasonable estimate? Would these range from serious players to people with a lute in 
the attic they
haven't touched in 15 years? Include guitarists who tune their g string down a half 
step? Include the
pipa and oud? Those people with a Lute Olsen signed basketball?

As someone who has listened to and enjoyed lute music for over 20 years (and been 
playing for 4
months) it continues to surprise me how many people have never heard of the instrument 
or know its
sound (though they have seen them in pictures). Have any of the lute societies made a 
effort to try to increase public awareness (realizing that about 2% of the general 
public would
consider to buy any classical music CD)? It continues to amaze me that when the 
Renaissance Fair
comes to South Florida it is PACKED for 2 weeks solid and yet there is not a single 
lute teacher less
than a 5 hour drive away from me. I actually got excited when I glanced at the 
headline "Odette May
Head to South Florida" before I realized they were talking about the hurricane.

I've tried to do my part in a small way. I will be bringing my lutes into the 
Classical Guitar class
at the high school my kids attend. I've tried to support those who make their living 
in the field by
ordering 2 lutes newly made rather than second hand, ordering a number of music 
editions from Tree,
Lyre and Orphee even though I have enough downloaded to keep me busy and buying most 
of the newly
released CD's (which range from fantastic virtuoso performances to, ahem, less than 
steller efforts).
No doubt my efforts are a drop in the bucket. (how many copies of a lute CD are 
usually sold

What have others done on an individual and/or organizational wide level?

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