Vance Wood at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Trouble is-----a lot of them drop out or go underground because the group
> that should be supporting them and encouraging them is by  far and away as
> friendly as a pack of junk yard dogs.  As a whole I have never been exposed
> to a group, boasting interest passionately in a particular endeavor, that is
> more driven by ego, pride, condescension, duplicity and judgementalism.
> Before you get mad at me read through the posts that have flooded email
> servers world wide over the last week or so and ask yourself:  If you were
> new to the Lute would you feel safe and confident in posting a question to
> this bunch of brigands?

I'm not mad at you, but I'm not impressed by your generalized

I've never heard of anyone quitting the lute because of a flame war on the
lute net, and I'm sure the number of persons who have done so is
insignificant: a few hundred thousand at most.

 I'm sure I could think of a few who've quit the lute net in
disgust--usually disgust with the same person's posts on the same subject--
but on the whole, the tone around here is remarkably civilized, helpful and
informative, compared to a lot of cyberspace.  Read the posts in for today, 12/6/03, and you'll get a feel for what the
cyber-slums are like: personal invective, gratuitous anti-Semitism and
homophobia, and dozens of posts simply tallying other posts posted by
"antagonists."  You learn to be selective in a neighborhood like that or you
drown in the sewage.

On the lute net, even a newbie can figure out that flame wars typically
involve a few posters, and you can sidestep it if you want to.  It doesn't
take long to figure out who baits whom, who has a deep-seated need to always
get the last word, and who substitutes personal attacks for substance.

And the community is a bit more supporting than it appears.  Some of us make
it a point to privately reassure a newbie who runs into an attack dog early
on that it's not something to take personally.  

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