Le 19 avr. 08 =E0 00:50, LGS-Europe a ecrit :

>> Susato was born in  Cologne
> I read he was born is Soest (The Netherlands), hence his name.

David you may well be correct, but I saw this.
JSTOR: New Documents on the Life of Tielman Susato, Sixteenth ...
New evidence confirms that Tielman Susato was born in Cologne or its  
environs, in about 1515, as the son of another Tielman. Three  
documents can be cited to ...


JSTOR: The Cantus-Firmus Chansons of Tylman Susato
http://www.jstor.org/pss/830473 - [ Traduire cette page ]
Finally, we shall attempt to determine the extent of Gervaise's  
stylistic debt to Susato. Tylman Susato,2 who was probably born in  
Cologne, settled in Ant- ...

There are people born in England called French, it is no guarantee of  
their origin, and the father who could have been born in Soest, might  
have moved to Cologne.
However, I don't know. These articles look serious, but I have no way  
of accessing them. Do check what they have to say, and let us know.

> David
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