Yes, in the video at stake, Monica doesn't appear to push down into the strings.

However, even with Monica's hand position, if you let the last joint collapse, 
you can impart a vertical movement to the string at the instant of contact.

I won't say any more. As I said, I will let the pedagogues explain. ;-)


On 2012-03-28, at 4:27 PM, Mathias Rösel wrote:

>> Modern classical guitar technique also aims to have the string vibrate
> vertical to
>> the soundboard. I'll leave it to the pedagogues to explain how!
> Hm, haven't seen players do it yet. In the video at stake, she isn't doing
> it either, at least not for the glimpse that the cam focusses on her RH.
> What I see is mere nails (not the tip of the flesh), hitting strings
> parallel to the soundboard ( 00:35-40). That's what
> I was referring to.
> BTW that's the way I was taught and used to play the classical guitar
> myself, and I should do it again, yes, whatever the NGRW (New Guitar
> Religious Ways). And I find Monica's results amazing and lovely, howsoever
> guitarishly connotated (no offense intended).
> Mathias
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