Contemporary Mexican folk song "De la arena nace el agua" !!!
"La vihuela" here to be understood like a guitar... 

All the best,


>“Se me revento la prima,
>la segunda y la tercera
>con los rizos de mi amada
>voy a encordar mi vihuela...”
>An interesting piece of literary iconography, isn’t it?))
>Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 22, 2018, at 6:46 AM, Antonio Corona <> 
>> wrote:
>>   Dear G.
>>   It just might, but I'd rather stay with the categorical statements
>>   rather than just entertaining a possibility.
>>   Here are a few titbits:
>>   A character from a play desires to play the vihuela; his servant
>>   remarks that "no podras señor tañer/ porque le falta la prima / y
>>   estan las bozes gastadas" (Comedia Himenea in Bartolomé de Torres
>>   Naharro's, Propalladia, Naples, 1517). This vihuela is not lacking two
>>   primas ...
>>   A riddle by Pedro del Pozo about the vihuela (Cancionero, ms. 1547)
>>   fastens on the gut strings, and likens them to eleven dead: (Pasando
>>   por una huerta / vi una casa muy escura, / de muy estraña hechura / un
>>   laço hecho a la puerta. / Onze muertos ende estauan / un bivo que les
>>   herÃa ... ). Eleven strings for twelve pegs?
>>   An allegoy about temperance: "Queriendo venir de encima / el tañedor
>>   sin segundo, / no hallo aun que se estima / en la vihela del mundo /
>>   templada mas que la prima" (Jorge de Montemayor, Las obras, Antwerp,
>>   1554).  The reference to the "player without second" would be pointless
>>   with two primas ...
>>   A poet complains about his grief but nevertheless acknowledges  tha he
>>   finsd consolation in weeping, "Como aquel que con cautela / afloxa para
>>   otro dia / la prima de la vihuela" (Antonio de Villegas, Inventario,
>>   Medina del Campo,, 1565). Just one  string to loosen ...
>>   An allegory about faith and sin; if faith is broken: "ni mas ni menos
>>   como en la vihuela, rompida la prima, auque las demas cuerdas queden en
>>   su punto, la musica queda manca" (Esteban de Salazar, Veynte discursos
>>   sobre el Credo, Granada, 1577). Nothing here about two broken strings
>>   ...
>>   "En vna vihuela, instrumento de musica, aunque ay muchas cuerdas, todas
>>   estan apareadas de dos en dos, vna no mas esta sola sin igual, que es
>>   la prima, que esta sin compañia" (Phillipe Diez, Marial de la
>>   sacratisima virgen, Salamanca, 1595). No further comment needed here.
>>   In an allegory about how our body should be as welll tuned as vihuela:
>>   "A de estar nuestro subjeto tan concertado para tener buena salud, como
>>   como una vihuela bien templada para que suene bien al oydo y no haga
>>   disonancia, porque si las segundas, o la prima  hazen dissonancia
>>   sonara mal y no se podra oyr" (Juan de las Ruelas, Hermosura corporal
>>   de la Madre de Dios, Sevilla, 1621). Seconds: plural; prima: singular.
>>   "Prima es la cuerda primera y mas delgada de los instrumentos como la
>>   vihuela y la guitarra" (Sebastián de Covarrubias, Tesoro de la lengua
>>   castellana o española, Madrid, 1611). Note that it states "the first",
>>   in singular.
>>   "Los musicos mas diestros, doblan las cuerdas en los instrumentos
>>   muchas vezes, pero la prima jamas ha de ser mas que vna" (Cristóbal de
>>   Fonseca, Primera parte de la vida de Cristo, Madrid, 1622). Never more
>>   than one prima ...
>>   Another religious allegory: "Ni el tañedor quando templa la vihuela
>>   dexara boluiendo la clauija, de subir la cuerda, y estirarla, y
>>   estirarla, hata que vea, segun el arte, que esta proporcionada con la
>>   prima (por la cual se templan las otras)" (Miguel Angel Almenara,
>>   Pensamientos literales y morales sobre los evangelios ..., Valencia,
>>   1623). Interesting to learn that it is from the single prima that the
>>   rest of the strings are tuned.
>>   Antonio Ferrer calls Virgin Mary "la prima en la vihuela del universo"
>>   (Arte de conocer y agradar a Jesus, Orihuela, 1631). It would be rather
>>   heretic to consider the possibility of two virgins ...
>>   There are plenty more references and, since there seems to be a general
>>   agreement among the writers of the time, who am I to contradict them?
>>   Best wishes,
>>   Antonio
>>     __________________________________________________________________
>>   From: G. C. <>
>>   To: Antonio Corona <>
>>   Sent: Monday, 22 January 2018, 4:23
>>   Subject: Re: [LUTE] Re: Double first courses (chanterelles)
>>   Hola Antonio,
>>   wouldn't the fact that there are 12 pegs indicate the possibility of
>>   DSC, even though it's perhaps not mentioned in the litterature? Why
>>   would they go through the trouble to put an extra peg in just for
>>   decoration? It wouldn't have been put there for the purpose of a 7th
>>   single bourdon, would it?
>>   Saludos
>>   G.
>>   On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Antonio Corona
>>   <[1]> wrote:
>>   Dear G.
>>   I'd love to know about the evidence about different usages for the
>>   vihuela.
>>   Best wishes
>>   Antonio
>>   --
>> References
>>   1.
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