Hello Wayne,
   Thank you for the past 22 years. Good luck.

   On Saturday, August 22, 2020, 03:10:13 PM EDT, Wayne
   <wst...@cs.dartmouth.edu> wrote:
   Hi -
     I have been running this lute mail list since 1998, and it has been
   interesting and fun.  Now I am retiring from my job at Dartmouth
   College, and when I retire the computers that I have run will be shut
   down.  This includes the  mail servers that run the lute mail list.  So
   it is time to retire from running the lute mail list too.  I will also
   be closing my lute web page, my lute tablature page, and "Lutes For
   Sale" web page.
     If someone wants to take up running the lute mail list I suggest that
   they announce it on my list in the next month, while my list is still
   running.  My list runs using software that I wrote, and I don't
   recommend that someone else try to use it.  I don't know the last day
   yet, but I will make an announcement when my list actually closes.
   To get on or off this list see list information at



   1. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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