> Well I've to admit that the Debian version of xdg-open is patched a little
> bit so it won't do to the browser thingy and instead use run-mailcap.

yes this is my impression what should have been done while looking last hours
into the xdg sources.

> So it's been working fine even on my KDE free laptop setup running with
> fluxbux as a windows manager.

here is gentoo, so it breaks :(

> > but in that case we shouldn't 
> > use xdg-open, I'd guess. If so, then that will complicate the configure 
> > script. How much, I don't know. Maybe we could borrow the detectDE bit from 
> > xdg-open, modified for Python, and then check for mimeopen if we don't find 
> > one of the preconfigured desktops, and then, only if all of that succeeds, 
> > use xdg-open, assuming we found it.
> If it's really too much pain to fix xdg-open then I've to agree that it would
> make more sense to revert the change.

have you some experience how much are xdg devs communicative about the 
thing ?


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