Darren Freeman schrieb:
On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 08:00 +0100, Herbert Voss wrote:
Uwe Stöhr schrieb:

> Generally speaking I think it sucks that the user guide doesn't compile out of the box. Have other > popular (Linux) LaTeX distributions also skipped the floatflt package?

TeXLive came up with the removal, others followed. For Linux TeXLive is the only active LaTeX-distribution I know. Generally speaking, it sucks that they discovered that floatflt has a nosell license after 10 years and not before! Argh.
contact the author to change the license ...
which is sometimes difficult after all these years.

This happened with prettyref as well. I looked inside prettyref when I
eventually found it, and saw how little it contained.

Surely there is somebody knowledgeable enough to re-implement floatflt
and contribute it to the distributions. Why didn't TeXLive do that
before the removal? It must have irked more than just LyX users.

TeXLive has thousands of files ...
I suppose that it is no fun to control the license of every
package ... ;-)   It is done step by step. If someone finds
a package, which doesn't have a really free license, we drop
it from texlive, but still leave it on CTAN. And if someone
volunteers and contact the author, we can change the licese.


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