Uwe Stöhr <uwestoehr <at> web.de> writes:

> There is another issue: The text "on page" is not yet translated to the
document language.
> One manually has to add this preamble code:
> \renewcommand*\Nameref[1]{`\nameref{#1}' auf Seite~\pageref{#1}}
> "auf Seite" is hereby the German translation of "on page".
> As this is no solution for us I propose this code instead:
> \...@ifundefined{vref}{\usepackage{varioref}}{}
> \AtBeginDocument{
>   \renewcommand*{\Nameref}[1]
>     {\nameref{#1}~\reftextfaraway{#1}}
> }

Why not


This will use all variants of varioref page handling.


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