Richard Heck a écrit :

Are there other things besides theorems we should define that aren't in refstyle.cfg?

To be prettyref-coherent, lemmas.

Is there some way we could provide translatability (in LyX's po files) of "theorem" here?

For the time being, we need a restricted set of declarations and translations
in LyX (no plurals, no capitalization).

If you declare all refstyle commands for theorems and such, marked as gettext strings, in the code, they will get translated in po files, but this will be static in the interface language.

We would like to have strings translated depending upon the current language in the document, to allow true babel i18n.

What about providing with LyX an auxiliary file containing the required translations (a refstyle.def file if new languages are needed) ? When fully tested and fairly complete, we could send the file to Danie Els for update in CTAN.


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