Jean-Pierre Chrétien a écrit :

I'll post a tentative file with bug #6609 to illustrate the idea
(tentative because it's not working right now).

I performed some tests to make this file work and I corrected some typos in the file.

However, the current version does not work with LyX for two reasons:
 1/ the \...@ifpackageloaded{refstyle}{% command clashes because

  {\def\RSthmtxt{theorem~}\newref{thm}{name = \RSthmtxt}}
  {\def\RSlemtxt{lemma~}\newref{lem}{name = \RSlemtxt}}

is encaspulated between \makeatletter \makeatother commmands
(this code is already encapsulated in such commands by LyX)

 2/ these commands:


fail because \lemmaname and \theoremname are unknown in French babel.
Works with:


(as recommended in the French babel doc anyway).

Currently refstyle cannot work natively with babel multilingual docs,
encapsulating strings definitions in \adddto\captionsxxxx works, I've contacted Danie Els about this.


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