>>>>> "Asger" == Asger K Alstrup Nielsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Asger> Therefore, I must retract the argument that GUII will make the
Asger> model more basic, since obviously it isn't for the dialogs and
Asger> the menus.

Thanks :)

Asger> If you by infrastructure mean the model abstraction, yes, this
Asger> will be easy. But once again, you basically just shove
Asger> complexity into the front-ends: Each front-end has to implement
Asger> the rest.

No, because, except for xforms, the other toolkits have all that is
needed to implement multiple toolbars, I guess.

>> I won't comment on MVC, since it's been something I'm very fuzzy
>> about.

Asger> Fair enough. Here's a section from the book "Design Patterns"
Asger> that explains the MVC concept:


Thanks for refreshing my memories!

Concerning the non-spearation of VC in menus/toolbar, I plead
incompetence. I just rely on others to do it :)


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