Am 02.07.2012 10:23, schrieb Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:

I find the "LyX 2.0.4" naming useful. For example, when LyX moved from
2.0.1 to 2.0.2 it brought problems on my system: "sticky" scrolling, and
memory leakage which caused a number of crashes, and I needed to revert
to 2.0.1. I like to be able to install the latest version side by side
with the previous one until I'm comfortable that it works properly. I've
just installed 2.0.4 beside 2.0.3.

The point is that you can reinstall 2.0.1 if there is a problem and it will 
still work with your
local files and preferences.

Unfortunately not on Windows. The reason is that we deliver stripped-down versions of ImageMagick, Ghostscript and Python with LyX. So assume you have uninstalled LyX 2.0.3 and the installed 2.0.4 or you have installed 2.0.4 over an existing 2.0.3, you can later reinstall an older LyX version, but the stripped-down programs remain in subfolders of LyX 2.0.4. So you then have to adapt the paths in the older LyX version manually and to do this you need some background knowledge.

Concerning new bugs in stable releases, this does happen, but very rarely, and 
we actively try to
avoid this. I am not sure this happens often enough to justify a different 

I can understand why people prefer this. When I was at the end of my Ph.D. I also did not remove the LyX version I found stable. Regressions in branch are rare but they happened and no matter how less probable they are, if you suffering from one and you are running against a deadline you suffer 100%. Therefore I would like to continue support for side-by-side installation of LyX bugfix releases.

But OK, if you are voting to drop support for this, I will do so. We then also don't need to rename the older to "LyX 2.0.4" but can keep the name "LyX20".
However, I vote for no because of the reason stated above, what do others think?

regards Uwe

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