Am 02.07.2012 22:47, schrieb Richard Heck:

If everything's just being installed to LyX20 or whatever, isn't this issue 

Yes, but then you cannot have two LyX versions of the same major version side by side. So having LyX 2.0.3 _and_ 2.0.4 is then not possible.

Why should LyX
2.0.4 install ImageMagick with different names than LyX 2.0.1 did?

It does not. The thing is that we have to store the third-party programs in a folder and to follow the Windows guidelines, we do this in a subfolder of LyX's installation folder. But OK, I confused you because I was not correct in my explanation, see my correction mail.

Why isn't that uninstalled with LyX?

It is and therefore the case I described in my correction  mail can happen.

Isn't it possible for users to choose to install to a different location if 
they wish to do so? I'd
have thought the issue here was what we do by default.

The installer proposed "LyX 2.0.4" as name but you can of course chose any other name of your choice. But the average user justs clicks several time OK in an installer and then gets the default/proposed folder.

regards Uwe

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