Am 18.05.2015 um 02:49 schrieb Pavel Sanda:

- There is no reason why one collaborator could not update to the same
software version since LyX is free. (Your admin cannot deny if he hinders
you from doing your job you are paid for.)

My own experience is very contrary to this. Institutions I'm/was working
used linux based systems with central administration and asking for newer
version which could possible break distribution integrity for rest of the
people was out of question.

Hi Pavel,

good to read that you are back!

I don't understand how a software update of a particular program can break the integrity of the OS. I mean at the university and now in the industry everybody needs his special programs, some need CAS, some CAD programs, some need special simulation software, tax software or business organization software... For example one person needs the latest CAD program to be able to collaborate with a customer while the rest of the group remain using the old version because every license costs several thousand €. So it is possible and would cost a lot of money if not.

OK, I never used Linux but I would wonder if Linux cannot do at least the same as Windows can do.

I'm lucky if my collaborators are willing to use LyX at all and asking them
for anything more than clicking on prepared button somewhere means
let's use office instead ;)

That is also my experience.
Just for curiosity: Since Office is not available under Linux, do people then use an emulation box?

As a result I'm still mainly using LyX 2.0 and it might take next year or two
when newer version will be rolled into my working environment.

So your boss lets you suffer to use a version of a program with bugs that are already fixed? Lucky me that I never had such a situation. Except that a program version is known to make problems an update was never denied because they want you to be as productive as possible.

If we aim for faster release cycle I would be more happy if we change
file format every second release or similar ;)

Then we would not be able to add new features. In my opinion our fileformat can be compared to a CAD fileformat - when a new feature is added the fileformat must be changed. Btw. no CAD program provides backwards compatibility because this is of course technically impossible. (OK, if it would be possible they want to make money and would therefore force you to buy a new version. ;-) )

But OK if you all are against my proposal we leave it as it is.

regards Uwe

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