Am 12.11.2015 um 15:23 schrieb Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:

"Longtable" is used all over theplace in the docs as its own term I
would therefore keep it.

I think it is a mistake. I do not see why we should use this unenglish
term. (I guess that "unenglish" is itself unenglish :)

Because non-booktabs tables can also be long tables but are never longtables ;-) So "Longtable" is a proper name.

I changes it now as suggested by Jürgen and named it breakable table.
As said, feel free to change this to a better name.

It should be uniform: either we use a verb for both entries or none. I
put it now in without a verb.

As Guillaume pointed out, these are actually verbs.

We now have "Border" and Alignment" which are no verbs.

regards Uwe

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