Richard Heck wrote:

> I was mostly thinking that (a) if we're going to add this for 2.2, the
> tex2lyx part should also be done---the rule you quoted applies to
> mid-cycle commits and doesn't say anything about what should be done for
> a major release---and (b) that the test file I attached (a minimal
> modification of the existing one) gets totally mangled. The \verbatim*
> command isn't even output properly as ERT.

I don't think that we need to make any distinction here for mid-cycle 
commits and a major release. We do already have many LyX features that are 
imported as ERT by tex2lyx. Why should we make the hurdle for new features 
higher than for existing ones? IMHO the question is: Is the new feature 
useful for LyX? If the answer is yes, put it in.

Of course tex2lyx should either do a perfect roundtrip, or create proper ERT 
for the new feature. If it does not, then this has to be fixed. However, if 
there is a bug in tex2lyx that makes it produce invalid output for the new 
feature, which can also be triggered without the new feature, then I'd see 
this as completely independent and would even allow the new feature without 
a tex2lyx fix.


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