Am 24.11.2015 um 03:10 schrieb Richard Heck:

Uwe, please test that this new patch does what you want it to do. I've
tested it, but only minimally.

Many thanks.
It did not work because you output "verbatim" no matter if it was the starred version or not. I corrected this and put it in.

Another issue is that \verbatim* is not presently handled properly by
tex2lyx. If we are going to add verbatim* support for 2.2, then it seems
to me that we should also have tex2lyx support.

This part is also in now.

What's worse is that
tex2lyx makes a total mess of that other file I've attached.

This works fine with the patch I committed. please report back if not.

regards Uwe

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