On Sun, Aug 06, 2017 at 11:27:16PM +0200, Christian Ridderström wrote:
> Hi,
> The wiki has "InterLinks", which is simply a convenient way to refer to
> certain web pages.
> For instance, this markup
>     bug:10481
> is automatically converted into this link
> http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/10481.
> Similarly, there's prefixes like LyxDevelPost and LyxUsersPost which were
> used to refer to gmane.org. Unfortunately gmane.org doesn't seem to contain
> the LyX lists anymore :-(
> I just now tested repointing the prefix "LyxDevelPost" from gmane.org to
> mail-archive.com, so e.g.this currently works:   LyxDevelPost:200333
> There's a problem though... it seems the IDs of posts, i.e. the number, is
> different for gmane.org versus mail-archive.com. My repointing would
> therefore mean that a pre-existing link into gmane.org "evolved" from
> initially working fine, to not working at all, to suddenly pointing to the
> wrong post in mail-archive.com. *sigh*
> A lesson learned here is that perhaps we should avoid referring to posts on
> e.g. the devel list.

I suggest always referencing ML threads using the Message ID. For example,
instead of referencing your email with:


I prefer to reference it as follows:


Although it is longer, it contains the message ID, so if mail-archive
removes the post, we can always convert the above link to any other mail
archiver. All of them support referencing with message ID, if I recall

When I'm reading email in mutt, all I do is press a shortcut (I use [ma for
"mail archive"), and it copies the above link to my clipboard so I can paste
it in my email (or on trac). If anyone is using mutt, let met know if you
want the script.


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